FN FAL info | The High Road
Aug 5, 2003 · I think I want to get an FN FAL for my next gun. I want a collector not a shooter. So I want NIB. How much would a NIB run, for a 50.00. What did the orig. FALs come with? Test …
Hk91 hkg3 ptr-91 ar-10 m1a siaga fal cetme club | The High Road
Jul 18, 2010 · This is a new forum club to chat about 308 semi auto rifles. HK91 HKG3 PTR-91 AR-10 M1A SIAGA FAL CETME and other 308 semi automatic rifles.
Century Arms FAL | The High Road
Feb 25, 2008 · What is a good price on century arms FAL. What is the quality level of century arms FAL. How are the magazine costs, parts cost and availablity etc. My local gunshop has …
Tell me about the M1A | The High Road
Jan 6, 2007 · I'm looking for a 308 semi-auto rifle. I really like the looks of the M1A Scout and it has a good reputation for accuracy.
G3 or FAL | The High Road
Apr 17, 2004 · Simple question. If you can only have one what would you get for less than $1000? A DSA, Imbel Kit FAL, or a SAR-8, ORF/PTR G3 clone?
Enfield vs. Mauser | Page 2 | The High Road
Jun 27, 2004 · I'll go with the mauser also. Search titles only By:
G3 vs FnFal | The High Road
Feb 8, 2008 · I know this may be a stupid question but can anyone describe the main differences between the all the HK91 CETME G3 clones and the FN Fal Thanks you
AAR for Tactical Response High Risk Civilian Contractor Course
Jul 4, 2005 · Thread starter yasnevo; Start date Jul 4, 2005; Status Not open for further replies.