The Grain - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
KAMUT® brand khorasan wheat is an ancient grain, guaranteed under the KAMUT® brand, to never be modified or hybridized, always organically grown, and is prized for its nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty-buttery taste, and firm texture.
KAMUT® Brand Wheat | Home
KAMUT® brand khorasan wheat is an ancient grain, guaranteed under the KAMUT® brand, to never be modified or hybridized, always organically grown, and is prized for its nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty-buttery taste, and firm texture.
Nutrition - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
KAMUT® brand wheat is a source of protein, fiber, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B1 (thiamin), and vitamin B3 (niacin). It is also high in many minerals such as selenium, copper, manganese, and molybdenum.
홈 - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
kamut® 브랜드 밀은 빵, 파스타, 피자, 시리얼, 과자, 페이스트리, 크래커, 맥주, 그린 푸드 및 시리얼 음료를 포함한 전 세계의 다양한 제품에서 찾아볼 수 있습니다.
Flour - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
KAMUT® brand wheat flour is obtained from milling KAMUT® brand wheat grain. As an ancient grain, KAMUT® brand wheat, and thus KAMUT® brand wheat flour, is a healthy alternative to modern wheat flour.
KAMUT® Brand Wheat | Home
El trigo de la marca KAMUT® se puede encontrar en todo el mundo, en productos como pan, pasta, pizza, cereales, snack, dulces, galletas, cerveza, hierba de trigo y bebidas hechas a base de cereales.
KAMUT® Brand Wheat | The Brand
Today, the KAMUT® brand is a guarantee of receiving the unmodified, unhybridized ancient khorasan wheat, always organically grown, that meets high purity, quality, and nutrition standards.
The Story - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
Find KAMUT® brand wheat products and licensed suppliers, producers, bakeries, and pizzerias.
곡물 - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
kamut® 브랜드 밀은 대부분의 현대 밀보다 약 3배 더 크고, 두드러진 '혹'을 가진 길쭉한 형태이며, 풍부한 황금색을 띄는 독특하게 반투명한 유리와 같은 질감을 갖습니다.
Accueil - KAMUT® Brand Wheat
La marque KAMUT® est une garantie de recevoir l'ancien blé khorasan, non-modifié, non-hybridé, toujours cultivé de la manière biologique.