JEHOVAH ‘ORI – The Lord My Light — Promise Bible Study
Mar 24, 2020 · Jehovah ‘Ori, you are the LORD, my light, whom shall I fear? Keep my mind, thoughts and direction in order on your narrow path. LORD settle my mind to hear your voice and see the light revealing your truth.
Names of God: Jehovah Ori - Wellspring Christian Ministries
Jul 14, 2020 · Today, we look at the name Jehovah Ori. Today’s Name: Jehovah Ori Today’s Prayer: Jehovah Ori, how often we rely on our friends, Google, counselors, or others to lead us and help us navigate life. But you are the Bright and Morning Star that lights our path and shows us where we should go.
21 Names of God, #13, Jehovah Ori - A Girl in the Middle
Jan 25, 2021 · For those who belong to the Lord, we know that he is our light, our Jehovah Ori. He is the same light in our lives as He was in David’s so long ago. Fear looms in darkness, but there is no darkness in the Lord. We get a choice, then, where we will dwell. For You, O LORD, light my lamp; my God lights up my darkness.
Jehovah Ori Is the God of Light - My Concrete Dove
Oct 14, 2021 · From the Names of God series, we learn about Jehovah Ori Is the God of Light. He leads us in His path of Light over Darkness.
Jehovah Names - Prayer Today
Jehovah's Name Exalting the Name of Jesus Christ "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me." Jehovah - The Lord - Exodus 6:2-3 Jehovah-Adon Kal Ha'arets- Lord of Earth - Josh 3:13 Jehovah-Bara - Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28 ... Jehovah-'Ori - Lord my Light - Psalm 27:1
Names of God in the Bible — Bible Lyfe
Apr 22, 2023 · Jehovah 'Ori is a name that emphasizes God's role as our spiritual light and guide. This name is a reminder that God illuminates our path, dispels our fears, and leads us through the darkness. Jehovah Qadosh
Dec 29, 2019 · Only by completely surrendering to the LORD AS YOUR LIGHT [JEHOVAH ORI] will you see the darkness of fear disintegrate and then you will be able to live peacefully and joyfully in the LIGHT of the countenance to the LORD.
The Names of Jehovah: God’s Character and Nature
Jehovah Ori speaks to God’s role in illuminating our path and dispelling the darkness of fear, confusion, and sin. His light guides us and brings clarity to our lives. This name reminds us to seek God in times of uncertainty.
Jehovah Ori - Rowena Francis
Feb 17, 2022 · He is Jehovah Ori “The Light”. Let’s look into what this name means to us. “The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?…” (Psalm 27:1) That word “light” is Ori (H0216) from illumination and directly means light.
Jehovah-ori…the Lord is my Light! | thenextmailboxboston
Aug 27, 2011 · In the Hebrew, it literally begins with Jehovah ori, which is translated “LORD, light,” or “the LORD is my light.” Light represents a lot of different things, but we’re going to focus on three in particular.