mnemonic phrases to help you remember the layers of the OSI
yup..they will be definitely on the exam..no doubt about it study these also: - PPTP/SLIP/LT2P/CHAP - Kerberos/SSL/ IPsec/ WEP/WPA/ 802.11 series<especially 802.11g and b> - voice and data channel capacities - data rate speeds on T1 and T3 <but not limited to> - DSL/ISDN <dsl dsl dsl dsl dsl> - read on tools <dont forget about Cross over cable> - TCP/IP <of course>, IPX/SPX, dont get confuse ...
Funny IT Acronyms — TechExams Community
Thats just lazy, these middle aged and older teachers steer clear of anything that involves ICT cos it means they have to learn a whole new subject of information so they dont, they just leave it to the tecky's.
How to use CompTIA A+ cert in post nominals (ie: PhD, CSC, …
@3peak, You are completely free to do as you wish, and from your posts, you seem already determined to use this credential as a tag to your name.
McAfee ePO: What does it do? — TechExams Community
Thanks Chrisone for the follow up. I've used McAfee ePO, virus scan, endpoint encryption, HDLP, NDLP and SIEM
Boson vs. Real Cisco Exam — TechExams Community
One question used an acronym (NBMA) which I didn't know. I googled it afterwards and it stands for Non-Broadcast Multiple Access. I knew the correct answer [once I knew what the acronym stood for,] just not what the acronym stood for.
CompTIA Data+ — TechExams Community
For years now, CompTIA has been revising their "+" exams to be more comprehensive and detailed to the point where I don't consider them to be "entry-level" anymore.
Reference monitor. You know what it is, right?
The properties of a reference monitor are captured by the acronym NEAT, which means: - The reference validation mechanism must be Non-bypassable, so that an attacker cannot bypass the mechanism and violate the security policy.
568B Wiring Mnemonic — TechExams Community
I found this online, but thought it sucked so I modified it into my own (which is listed below with explanation): Orange, Split the Green, Blue Reversed, Brown.
Abbreviations in the Exams — TechExams Community
It seems my statement didn't convey the right message. My message was to not put any special efforts in specifically remembering the acronyms but surely in most cases you would remember e.g. DES/AES etc. and it is given that you are required to understand fully.
Prince 2 self study? — TechExams Community
The only issues I had was that he didn't include any practice questions, nor, did he have a glossary of PRINCE2 terms and an appendix for the acronyms which there are plenty. To be fair he does define the PRINCE2 specific jargon or acronym when it is introduced but still a centralized collection would have been nice.