Genomic profile of metastatic breast cancer patient-derived …
Jan 6, 2021 · IMX-158, an ER + HER2- breast cancer model, harbors an ESR1 mutation and CCND1 amplification. The ESR1 D538G mutation was reported to promote the estrogen-independent activation of estrogen receptor [ 41 ].
(PDF) Genomic profile of metastatic breast cancer patient-derived ...
Jan 6, 2021 · genetic features of IMX-158 cases originating from a metastatic liver specimen of a patient who received vari - ous endocrine therapies, including tamoxifen, letrozole
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Breast Cancer - palbociclib - ER L536H + ER D538G + CCND1 …
The IMX-158 PDX model harbored two ESR1 mutation sites in L536H and D538G (Fig. 5a), with CCND1 amplification (Fig. 5b). The donor of the IMX-158 model was treated with fulvestrant and the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib.
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