Pronouns (me, you, it, they, his, hers, we, our, their...) in American ...
When translating English to ASL, watch out for "her", which can be either indexing (eg: "I like her") or possessive ("I like her book"). As the object of the sentence, use your index...
American Sign Language ASL Video Dictionary - hers
Watch how to sign 'hers' in American Sign Language.
Sign for HER - Signing Savvy
HER (as in "the possessive use of her") ASL 1; ASL 2; ASL 3; ASL 4; ASL 5; ASL 6; finger spell
HER (PRONOUN) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
Signs for HER (PRONOUN) Meaning: Pronoun: used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. It is a non-gender …
American Sign Language (ASL) Possession
American Sign Language: Possession. In American Sign Language, personal pronouns (me, she/he, you, us, them) can indicate possession by changing the handshape from an index …
HER (POSSESSIVE) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
'hers' in ASL. Meaning: A form of the possessive case of she used as a predicate adjective. Pronunciation (sign description): Dominant flat hand, palm facing right-ish if right-handed, …
American Sign Language ASL Video Dictionary - her
Watch how to sign 'her' in American Sign Language.
Possessive pronouns and spatial referencing in sign language
Learn or review basic possessive adjectives in the singular form in ASL. ASL: my. It is a singular possessive adjective. ASL: your. This is glossed as child poss mother which is translated into …
How to Say “Her” in ASL
Dec 10, 2020 · Here are a few formal ways to sign “her” in ASL: 1. Possessive Pronoun. The most common way to sign “her” in formal ASL is through the possessive pronoun. To sign “her,” …
How to sign 'Her' in ASL: Quick Tutorial - signlanguage101.com
Learn how to sign “Her“ in American Sign Language (ASL). Whether you're a beginner or advancing your ASL skills, master this essential sign with step-by-step instructions from our …
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