Hiralal Shastri - Wikipedia
Pandit Hiralal Shastri (24 November 1899 – 28 December 1974) was an Indian politician. He served as the first chief minister of Rajasthan state in northern India. He was also third prime …
Hiralal Shastri - Constitution of India
After Rajasthan was established as a State on 30 March 1949, Hiralal Shastri became its first Chief Minister. He subsequently resigned from the post in 1951 but returned to active politics …
हीरा लाल शास्त्री - विकिपीडिया
पण्डित हीरालाल शास्त्री (24 नवम्बर 1899 - 28 दिसम्बर 1974)) भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के सेनानी तथा राजनेता तथा वनस्थली विद्यापीठ के …
Shri. Hiralal Shastri - History - Welcome to Banasthali Vidyapith
Forthright and fearless in his views, an Indian to the core of his heart, a selfless social worker, Pandit Hiralal Shastri was a farsighted and popular leader. Banasthali Vidyapith, founded by …
Heeralal Shastri - First CM of Rajasthan & Founder of Banasthali ...
Feb 18, 2013 · Heeralal Shastri (November 24, 1899 - December 28, 1974) was an Indian politician and the first chief minister of Rajasthan state in northern India. He was in office from …
Hiralal Shastri - Profile, Biography and Life History - Veethi
Pandit Hiralal Shastri was a prominent politician from Rajasthan who served as its first Chief Minister. He served as the chief minister during the period, 1949-1951 before he handed over …
हीरा लाल शास्त्री - भारतकोश, ज्ञान का हिन्दी …
हीरा लाल शास्त्री (अंग्रेज़ी: Hira Lal Shastri; जन्म- 24 नवम्बर, 1899, जयपुर, राजस्थान; मृत्यु- 28 दिसम्बर, 1974) भारत के स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों में से …
Hiralal Shastri
After Rajasthan was established as a State on 30 March 1949, Hiralal Shastri became its first Chief Minister. He subsequently resigned from the post in 1951 but returned to active politics …
Pandit Hiralal Shastri
Jan 13, 1998 · Pandit Heeralal Shastri, a prominent figure in India's freedom struggle, was born in September 1910 into a humble Brahmin family in Moradabad district. His father, Bhatu Lal …
Jailed By the British, Rajasthan’s First CM Fought For the Rights of ...
Oct 15, 2018 · H iralal Shastri, the first chief minister of Rajasthan, was a notable figure of the Indian freedom movement who not only took on the British but also challenged the princely …