Wheres heatran? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for DS
Mar 22, 2009 · Then when you go back to the room all the way at the back of the mountain you might discover that heatran is not there. That is because you have to go to the battleground( in …
How do I catch Heatran?? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for …
Mar 22, 2009 · Do what other people say when it comes to triggering the appearence of Heatran. Then, have with you: a pokemon that can make it fall asleep, pokemon with the ability …
How do i get heatran? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for DS
Mar 22, 2009 · -Pokemon that can fight off the Wild Poison, Rock, and Fire Types on the way to Heatran. Heatran will be at Level 50. Any Wild Pokemon will know the last 4 moves learned …
Volcanion vs. Heatran - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - GameFAQs
No, Heatran have a good set of resistances for its steel/fire type, making it immune to both poison and burns (so only paralysis affects it), and have good spe attack and spe defense. Volcanion …
What's a good non-legendary alternative to heatran? - Pokemon X …
There is no pokemon that fits your criteria other than Heatran as only steel is immune to poison and because of it's weakness to fire a steel type is either weak to it or neutral to it by way of …
Is Heatran gender fixed? - Pokemon Legends: Arceus - GameFAQs
Huh, didn't even realize Heatran has a gender. I wonder why? It still can't breed. Anyway, try KOing it, returning to town, and coming back. (KOing it might not even be necessary, due to …
Heatran and Flame Body - Pokemon Black Version 2 - GameFAQs
Except that most physical attacks aimed at Heatran (Close Combat, Superpower, Earthquake, Waterfall) will likely K.O it in one hit anyway, and Earthquake isn't even affected by Flame …
Where do i go after stark mountain? - GameFAQs
Apr 22, 2007 · After catching heatran, if you haven't already, go to the spring path ( just off of route 214) and follow it . You'll come to a cave, go inside. Once inside, there'll be four doors, …
How do I have a Regigigas or a Heatran? - GameFAQs
Mar 14, 2010 · So, I haven't played Heart Gold in years, at least since 2013, and I came back on, and checked my PC. I have a level 100 Regigigas, and a level 50 Heatran. From everything …
Heatran - Best Legendary? (Post-Game) - Pokemon Super
But back to Heatran, he is ridiculously good and until now has never disappointed or disappeared (he's never missing or away like higher level Pokémon, so he's a permanent member of my …