Understanding The Hag: An advanced guide - Steam Community
Jan 19, 2019 · A web is all the traps you have put on the map. This is the area you control. This term will be used extremely often as the web is going to be the #1 biggest part of this guide as a lot of Hag players struggle to set-up a good web and this is absolutely crucial in order to do well against good survivors.
Tips for hag :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions - Steam …
Aug 26, 2018 · Sorry I’m still kinda new to dbd If you don't have any DLC besides Hag, here's the full non-DLC list of perks good for her: Brutal Strengh (Trapper) - good overall, doesn't enhance Hag especially Agitation (Trapper) Sloppy Butcher (Wraith default, thanks Meat Machine!) Bloodhound (Wraith) - good overall, doesn't enhance Hag especially
Killers tiers?Is hag any good? - Steam Community
Sep 16, 2017 · So your solution is to place traps in the perspective of a location where the survivor would run when you're chasing them. I really advice you to check the channel I linked you. not_Queen (DbD community manager) is also a great Hag. Hag is slower because like the Nurse, you're supposed to use your power to end the chase.
How do you Teleport to your clone as the Hag?
Press space Also as long as theyre red you cannot tp to them. Once they are white you can tp to them. They will turn white when youre close to them
Hag trap strategy :: DBD Hag mains - Steam Community
Jul 14, 2017 · Now maybe this makes me seem like a noob for saying this, as I only just recently started playing hag, but I have discovered a few trap strategies. 1. (Most important) Spam large open areas with traps as that's where they'll always run in chases. They'll 95% of the time trigger them, and you'll get a free hit. This will compensate for her slow speed. 2. Do NOT waste time and traps on trapping ...
Is the Hag worth it? :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions
Nov 16, 2017 · With The Hag you need to cruise and "camp" your totems and the last 3-4 generators close to your totems. It´s fun against random survivors but unplayable against Groups of Friends communicating with Microphone. After 3 Weeks of playing DBD and The Hag to level 25 I´d go with Torec and just buy another game instead of dlc
Best map for hag? :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions - Steam …
The good thing about hag is that she has no bad map. She doesn't care at all about what map she gets (except personal preference) Demogorgons map should be amazing for you since it has good totem spots for your adept achievement
How do the hags traps work exactly? - Steam Community
Dec 8, 2016 · I set one at the hook and a clone just came out all spooky and screamed but did absolutely nothing. Well I guess it did something otherwise I wouldn't have ended the round with 3k devious but I just don't know what it was.
How do you disarm hag traps? :: Dead by Daylight General …
Feb 2, 2017 · Billy gets stunned mid sprint, and hag does not get a notification when someone flashes her traps. She can realize its gone with keen perception thou. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. She gets notification. She doesn't. Multiple times i have cleared a trap on an exit and not had her come to me, even when she was patrolling a downed player nearby.
THE HAG JUST ONE SHOT ME? :: Dead by Daylight General …
Jul 15, 2018 · the hag just one shotted me and my friends. Didn't get any gens done since she seemed to know where we were at all times and just one shot to downed state everytime? any explanation? man paying attention in a video game is hard. So is checking after the match what perks a killer is running apparently is as well.