Gravitational potential energy -- Why is it always negative?
Aug 8, 2020 · You correctly identified the gravitational potential energy of the system as the negative of the work done by the gravitational forces internal to that system to establish the system from infinite separation to the final state.
Relationship between gravitational field strength and potential
Jun 1, 2014 · I actually had the same feeling that it should be something like this. Like you said, the force is a vector and points towards the big mass, thus it must be negative; and since g=[itex]\frac{F}{m}[/itex], the gravitational field must be negative as well (as it …
Gravitational potential of a point within a hollow sphere - Physics …
Jun 7, 2006 · The gravitational potential at a point outside a spherical object (assume the Earth and moon are spherically symmetric--close enough) is given by: [tex]-G\frac{M}{R}[/tex] where, as is typical, we take the potential as zero at infinity, and R is the distance to the center of the gravitating object.
Gravitation potential and gravitational binding energy - Physics …
Jan 5, 2013 · There is no [itex]\alpha[/itex] = 3/5 in gravitational potential The gravitational potential energy is: [itex]\frac{-GMm}{r^2}[/itex] The gravitational binding energy can be thought of as an internal potential energy. How much grav potential is stored in an object? You must compute the gravitational potential for every particle in the object ...
Gravitational Potential energy on an incline - Physics Forums
Apr 25, 2012 · potential energy only depends on the height, mgh. whatever the difference in height at the start and end, mg(h2-h1) will be the change in potential energy, either becoming kinetic (rolling down) or becoming potential (going up ramp). the potential has nothing to do with the ramp, only the change in height. g never changes
Change in gravitional potential energy at an angle? - Physics Forums
Nov 4, 2008 · A 0.23kg pendulum bob is attached to a string 1.2 long at an angle of 30 degrees. What is the change in the gravitational potential energy of the system as the bob swings from point A to point B U= Homework Equations.5 mv^2 = mgl U=E+K The Attempt at a Solution
Gravitational Potential due to spherical shell - Physics Forums
Oct 25, 2016 · Homework Statement What is the gravitational potential both inside and outside a spherical shell of inner radius b and outer radius a? Homework Equations φ = ∫g⋅da = -4πGMencl g = d∅/dr in the r hat direction The Attempt at a Solution I can get as far as getting the gravitational field for...
Gravitational Potential Energy can be negative? - Physics Forums
Mar 16, 2011 · The positive potential energy became positive light energy. when 2 masses come together they release positive energy but the resulting larger mass has even more potential energy. The only way for this to balance is for gravitational potential energy to be negative.
Understanding gravitational potential due to spherical shell
Aug 27, 2016 · Short version is that the integral of the gravitational flux over the surface of some volume depends only on the enclosed mass. If you have a spherically symmetric mass distribution and consider the surface of a concentric spherical volume then the answer drops out in a couple of lines (hint: in this case, ##\vec g.d\vec A=gdA##).
Trying to understand potential energy at infinity - Physics Forums
Apr 25, 2010 · The physical manifestation is the change in potential. That is, the movement of an object from point A to point B through a potential is manifested as work that is equal to the change in the potental. Likewise, the spatial dependence of the potential is indicative of the force experienced by bodies within the potential (F = -\grad U).