ALSA Stories and First Symptoms | ALS Support Community
Feb 13, 2015 · The first case read closely appears to be the rare respiratory onset and it is not clear whether he had some respiratory symptoms early on that he did not associate with ALS ( reasonably enough). Once ALS has started it seems like people twitch in places that have not yet had weakness. That is different than twitching with no weakness at all.
From first signs of ALS to wheelchair | ALS Support Community
Nov 28, 2017 · it is hardly to remind of first signs of ALS for most of us. doctor said that one patient stil driving car and walk even he treats als from 2009. i remember first strange things that started to happen in 03/2015. dizzy, unstable walk, even i was everyday in gym 2-3/heavy weight cause i didnt connect als with weight lifting what will make ...
Important READ BEFORE POSTING! Answers to common concerns …
Aug 3, 2013 · It is seldom, if ever, a first symptom of ALS (especially if it is all over your body). Twitching is very common and is frequently caused by too much caffeine, Rx meds, fatigue, over-exertion, anxiety, stress, and many other common causes.
Can it be the first signs of ALS? | ALS Support Community
Sep 18, 2018 · Hello, First of all thank you for all who will read my story. I would really appreciate to any comments and experiences or advises from you. I am 26 years old female. Recently i have found similar condition - ALS that could explain my illness. I know it …
Questions About Symptoms | ALS Support Community
Jan 3, 2023 · Speaking of which, does Bulbar ALS sometimes start in the lower/upper esophageal sphincters/muscles causing heartburn/reflux? I read in one post on here that someone's first signs of Bulbar ALS were thick mucous, hoarse voice, and clearing throat (I didn't think to take note of the post for context, sorry). (3.
What were your first signs of foot drop? | ALS Support Community
Mar 10, 2011 · LMN and UMN signs/symptoms. Personally, I'm not wasting my time with a neurologist at this point that isn't an ALS specialist--I don't plan on doing emg/ncv more than one time. Best of luck with your exam--but to answer your question--look at the bottom of the window--there are at least 5 threads with foot drop questions that might help you
Acid reflux and ALS? - ALS Support Community
Jun 28, 2009 · I was diagnosed with ALS -- limb-onset variety -- two years ago. First ALS symptoms were noticeable three years ago, but were believed to be carpal tunnel syndrome. I have no bulbar symptoms at all. My ALS-related problems are all from the shoulders down. Your theory has some rather large holes in it.
Twitching in my legs, feet and sometime arm, came back after first ...
May 20, 2024 · No. Twitching that comes and goes over the course of more than 6 years is not indicative of ALS. Please read here first: Read Before Posting, as it answers questions about twitching and provides information about ALS and a variety of other issues. It will provide you some reassurance..
Are there signs prior to slurring | ALS Support Community
Dec 30, 2008 · My dad's first symptons that we noticed was slurring of speach. Along with that came choking on foods that were especially spicy. We really did think that he had had a mini-stroke. He became very concerned and started to notice things when his golf score increased 20 strokes from one year to the next and it took him two hands to hammer in a nail.
First signs of breathing issues? | ALS Support Community
Sep 16, 2015 · Hi, My husband was diagnosed in May 13 and to date hasnt shown any signs of breathing problems, but his speech has deteriorated. His last overnight assessment was in June and he had a letter to confirm it was 'normal' I have noticed his breathing has been very noisy the last few weeks and his...