Fiore dei Liberi - Wikipedia
Fiore Furlano de Cividale d'Austria, delli Liberi da Premariacco (Fiore dei Liberi, Fiore Furlano, Fiore de Cividale d'Austria; born ca. 1350; [1] died after 1409 [2]) was a late 14th century knight, diplomat, and itinerant fencing master. He is the earliest Italian master from whom an extant martial arts manual has survived.
Learn Fiore | Using Fiore dei Liberi's Combat techniques in the SCA
Jan 18, 2025 · The class surveys the basics of Fiore’s longsword techniques with some sample plays from the longsword, sword in one hand, and sword in armor sections of his 1409 manual. Focus will be on plays that are legal for SCA rulesets including rapier, cut and thrust, rebated steel, and armored.
What armor was Fiore dealing with in late 1300s?
Fiore Armour -- myArmoury.com
Jun 30, 2011 · I'v interested in learning what type of style the armour is that is depicted in the fight manuals by master Fiore de' Liberi. The armour looks to resemble 15th century Milanese armour, but the time period of Fiore de' Liberi was between 1380-and 1410. So what style of …
Fiore de'i Liberi/Sword in Armor - Wiktenauer
Jun 25, 2021 · We are in deeds of arms six greatly skillful acts. He will surpass sword or dagger and then two-edged ax. Here begins the sword in armor, and great will be the Master who can make these plays. These Masters are six and each one is …
Fiore de'i Liberi/Poleaxe - Wiktenauer
Jun 25, 2021 · If my first strike misses, then my poleaxe becomes risky to hold on to and is no more of any use to me. But if my first blow is powerfully made on target, then I can stop any other hand-held weapon. And if I am accompanied with good protective armor, then I can defend myself with any of the powerful striking guards of the sword.
Fiore Dei Liberi's Flos Duellatorum - Association for Renaissance ...
Below are the major portions both armored and unarmored on spada longa (long-sword) as well as polaxe combat in armor. This version of Fiore's treatise is the so-called 'Novati' edition and is one of only three surviving versions of his work.
•Flashcard sets available for longsword, dagger, and sword in armor postas as well as Italian terminology at http://learnfiore.org/articles
Introducing... The Fiore -- myArmoury.com
Apr 11, 2007 · A resource for historic arms and armor collectors with photo galleries, reviews, reference materials, discussion forums, a bookstore and a comparison tool.
The arming longsword of Fiore dei Liberi - Armizare II - YouTube
Mar 5, 2015 · Based on Fiore dei Liberi's techniques about sword in armor, this workshop shows an interpretation from the Getty with analogies and differences compared the other treaties, in particular...