Fearful Face Emoji - Emojipedia
While intended to represent fear (less intense than 😱 Face Screaming in Fear), it also conveys a wide variety of emotions, including feeling amazed, shocked, sad, upset, and cold. Bears the …
Face Screaming in Fear Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face screaming in fear, depicted by wide, white eyes, a long, open mouth, hands pressed on cheeks, and a pale blue forehead, as if it has lost its color. Its expression evokes Edvard …
Search results for fear - Emojipedia
All emoji names are official Unicode Character Database or CLDR names. Code points listed are part of the Unicode Standard . Additional emoji descriptions and definitions are copyright © …
Face Screaming in Fear on Apple iOS 14.6 - Emojipedia
May 23, 2021 · A yellow face screaming in fear, depicted by wide, white eyes, a long, open mouth, hands pressed on cheeks, and a pale blue forehead, as if it has lost its...
Face Screaming in Fear Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face screaming in fear, depicted by wide, white eyes, a long, open mouth, hands pressed on cheeks, and a pale blue forehead, as if it has lost its color. Its expression evokes Edvard …
Cara Gritando De Miedo Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face screaming in fear, depicted by wide, white eyes, a long, open mouth, hands pressed on cheeks, and a pale blue forehead, as if it has lost its color. Its expression evokes Edvard …
Search results for scared - Emojipedia
😱 Face Screaming in Fear 😓 Downcast Face with Sweat 😰 Anxious Face with Sweat 😦 Frowning Face with Open Mouth 🙀 Weary Cat 🙈 See-No-Evil Monkey 🫢 Face with Open Eyes and Hand Over Mouth
害怕 Emoji - Emojipedia
While intended to represent fear (less intense than 😱 Face Screaming in Fear), it also conveys a wide variety of emotions, including feeling amazed, shocked, sad, upset, and cold. Bears the …
Weary Face Emoji - Emojipedia
This emoji has a cat variant, 🙀 Weary Cat Face, though it more closely resembles 😱 Face Screaming in Fear. Weary Face was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in …
Visage Qui Hurle De Peur Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face screaming in fear, depicted by wide, white eyes, a long, open mouth, hands pressed on cheeks, and a pale blue forehead, as if it has lost its color. Its expression evokes Edvard …