Home - Dairy Calf and Heifer Association
The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) is a non-profit member organization. Our mission is to enhance the success of the dairy industry by providing insights and opportunities to improve …
What happens to a dairy cow's calf after it is born?
Feb 20, 2020 · Why are dairy cows separated from calves at birth? What happens to dairy cow's calves after they are born? Learn the answers straight from the source.
Feeding the Newborn Dairy Calf - Penn State Extension
Dec 8, 2022 · At birth, the dairy calf's digestive system is underdeveloped. From birth to about 2 weeks of age, the calf is a monogastric, or simple-stomached, animal. The abomasum is the …
The goal of calf nutrition is to promote healthy, efficient, and rapid growth through milk and to enhance rumen growth and function by initiating grain intake.
Basic care for healthy calves - Extension at the University of …
Recognizing this and understanding calf growth, nutrition, health and behavior can help you successfully care for your calves. The following practices for raising calves can: Decrease the …
Dairy Calf and Heifer Nutrition and Management
Diarrhea in Dairy Calves: Role of Supportive Therapy; Early Identification of Sick Dairy Calves Important to Their Survival and Future Milk Production; Management Practices of the Dam …
Milk Feeding - Feed high quality milk or calf milk replacer for at least 6 weeks. Feeding milk for a longer period will benefit calves. An ideal feeding program is one in which milk intake is based …
Pre-weaning calf health | UMN Extension
What a calf experiences in the first 60 days of life matters for the lifetime production of that calf. So when you are questioning why you are dealing with calf chores, remind yourself that how …
Calf Health Module Introduction | Cornell University College of ...
The goal of raising dairy heifer calves is to produce an animal that is suitable as a replacement at the dairy. The typical dairy, for a number of reasons, culls 25-35% of the milking herd each …
Feeding Young Dairy Calves - MSD Veterinary Manual
In this feeding system, targeted mean daily gain for calves of large dairy breeds is between 400 and 600 g/day for the first 3–4 weeks of life. To achieve this rate of gain, expected dry-matter …