Cyprinidae - Wikipedia
Cyprinidae is a family of freshwater fish commonly called the carp or minnow family, including the carps, the true minnows, and their relatives the barbs and barbels, among others.Cyprinidae is the largest and most diverse fish family, and the largest vertebrate animal family overall, with about 3,000 species; only 1,270 of these remain extant, divided into about 200 valid genera.
Cypriniformes - Wikipedia
Cypriniformes / s ɪ ˈ p r ɪ n ɪ f ɔːr m iː z / is an order of ray-finned fish, which includes many families and genera of cyprinid (carps and their kin) fish, such as barbs, gobies, loaches, botias, and minnows (among others). Cypriniformes is an "order-within-an-order", placed under the superorder Ostariophysi—which is also made up of cyprinid, ostariophysin fishes.
FAMILY Details for Cyprinidae - Minnows or carps
Species/Synonymy list for the family Cyprinidae as currently in FishBase Important recommendation: The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist. Rather, it reflects the current content of ...
Cyprinidae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
May 3, 2012 · Cyprinids (Cyprinidae) are a major source of animal protein for millions of people in many Asian countries, and an appreciated food fish in Eastern Europe.The most recent data on world cyprinid aquaculture production state 18,944.071 metric tonne (MT), valued at USD 20,265 million, in 2007, accounting for 70% of world freshwater finfish aquaculture production and …
Cyprinidae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Cyprinidae is the largest family of freshwater fishes and contains 3268 species of minnows, shiners, carps, barbs, barbels, gudgeons, chubs, dace, pikeminnows, Tench, Rudd, bitterlings, bream, southeast Asian “sharks” (Redtail Black Shark and Bala Shark), Goldfish, Koi (domesticated common carp), danios, and rasboras.
Cyprinidae - Animalia
Cyprinidae is a family of freshwater fish commonly called the carp or minnow family , including the carps, the true minnows, and their relatives the barbs and barbels, among others. Cyprinidae is the largest and most diverse fish family, and the largest vertebrate animal family overall, with about 3,000 species; only 1,270 of these remain extant, divided into about 200 valid genera. …
Cyprinidae | fish family | Britannica
Other articles where Cyprinidae is discussed: ostariophysan: Annotated classification: Family Cyprinidae (minnows, goldfish, bitterlings, barbs, and carps) Pharyngeal teeth in 1 to 3 rows. Some with 1 or 2 pairs of small barbels. Food habits variable. Food fishes of sport and commercial value; aquarium fishes. Size 2.5–250 cm (1 inch to more than 8 feet).…
Cyprinid - New World Encyclopedia
Cyprinid is the name for any of the freshwater fishes in the minnow or carp family Cyprinidae, which includes such members as carp, goldfish, zebrafish, minnow, and chub.With over 200 genera and over 2,000 species, Cyprinidae is the largest family of freshwater fishes in the world, and may even be the largest family of vertebrates, with the possible exception of Gobiidae (the …
Cyprinids (Family Cyprinidae) - iNaturalist
The Cyprinidae are the family of freshwater fishes, collectively called cyprinids, that includes the carps, the true minnows, and their relatives (for example, the barbs and barbels). Also commonly called the 'carp family', or 'minnow family', Cyprinidae is the largest known fish family and the largest vertebrate animal family in general, with about 3,000 living and extinct species in about ...
Cyprinidae - GBIF
Cyprinidae is a family of freshwater fish commonly called the carp or minnow family. It includes the carps, the true minnows, and relatives like the barbs and barbels. Cyprinidae is the largest and most diverse fish family and the largest vertebrate animal family in general with about 3,000 species, of which only 1,270 remain extant, divided ...