Coccinia - Wikipedia
The scarlet gourds are a genus (Coccinia from the Greek, kokkinia or kokkinias - "red" or "scarlet") with 25 species. It is distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and with one species, C. grandis also in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and it is also introduced into the New World.
Ivy gourd Facts, Health Benefits and Nutritional Value
May 9, 2016 · Coccinia grandis, the ivy gourd, also referred to as baby watermelon, little gourd, gentleman’s toes or even gherkin is actually an exotic vine belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae, in the genus Coccinia Wight & Arn.
IVY GOURD - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD
Ivy gourd is a plant. The leaves, root, and fruit are used to make medicine. Ivy gourd is most often used for diabetes. People also use ivy gourd for gonorrhea, constipation, wounds, and other...
Top 7 Ivy gourd (Kundru) Nutrition facts and Health benefits
In southern Asia, the ivy gourd is cultivated for its long slender edible young shoots and immature, tender fruits. The fruits possess a neutral, bland taste like a cucumber, and are used in the preparation of various vegetable dishes. Family: Cucurbitaceae, Genus: Coccinia. Scientific name: Coccinia grandis.
Coccinia grandis - Wikipedia
Coccinia grandis, the ivy gourd, also known as scarlet gourd, [2] is a tropical vine. It grows primarily in tropical climates and is commonly found in the Indian states where it forms a part of the local cuisine.
Coccinia abyssinica - Wikipedia
Coccinia abyssinica is an Ethiopian species of Coccinia which was first described by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. The tuber is under its Oromo name anchote a well-known local crop, but also the leaves are eaten.
Tindora (Ivy Gourd): Uses, Benefits, And An Easy Recipe!
Nov 19, 2024 · These small, striped gourds are a staple in many Asian kitchens and might just be the perfect addition to your next meal. Whether tossed into a pan for a quick stir-fry or simmered in a savory curry, it adds a refreshing crunch that elevates everyday cooking.
Coccinia grandis: Phytochemistry, pharmacology and health …
Jun 1, 2024 · Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt, commonly known as Ivy gourd, is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family that has been used in traditional medicinal systems for centuries. Its most common traditional use is managing diabetes mellitus which has been scientifically proven along with other pharmacological activities.
Monograph of Coccinia (Cucurbitaceae) - PMC - PubMed Central …
This monograph deals with all 95 names described in the Cucurbitaceae genus Coccinia and recognizes 25 species. Taxonomic novelties are Coccinia adoensis var. aurantiaca (C.Jeffrey) Holstein, stat. nov., Coccinia sessilifolia var. variifolia ...
Coccinia grandis also known as Ivy Gourd is a nutrient rich fast growing perennial vine plant of Cucurbitaceae family. It is a dioecious, perennial and herbaceous climber or trailing vine with glabrous stems and tuberous roots.