Cipactonal - Wikipedia
Cipactonal [pronunciation?] is the Aztec god of astrology and calendars. Oxomoco and Cipactonal were said to be the first human couple, and the Aztec comparison to Adam and Eve in regard …
Cipactonal : God of Time - Mythlok
While often overshadowed by formidable figures like Huitzilopochtli or the shrewd Quetzalcoatl, Cipactonal stands out as a deity weaving together the intricate threads of time, creation, and …
Cipactonal: Exploring the Remarkable Mythology and Traditions …
Cipactonal and Oxomoco, the ingenious couple of Aztec mythology, played a pivotal role in shaping the cosmological beliefs of the Aztecs. Revered for their wisdom and knowledge, they …
Oxomoco y Cipactónal, dioses creadores del calendario
De los dioses Oxomoco y Cipactónal hablan la Historia de los mexicanos por sus pinturas, los Anales de Cuauhtitlan y la obras de fray Gerónimo de Mendieta.
CIPACTONAL - the Aztec God of Astrology (Aztec mythology)
Cipactonal Facts and Figures. Name: Cipactonal Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Male Type: God Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present. Role: In charge of: …
Cipactónal - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Cipactónal (del náhuatl: cipactonal ‘espíritu de lagarto’ ‘cipactli, lagarto; tonalli, espíritu’) en la mitología mexica, es el semidiós creado junto con Oxomoco para poblar el primer sol. Tiempo …
Oxomoco y Cipactónal | Arqueología Mexicana
Luego hicieron a un hombre y a una mujer; al hombre dijeron Oxomoco, y a ella Cipactónal.
Oxomoco - Wikipedia
Oxomoco and Cipactonal were said to be the first human couple, and the Aztec comparison to Adam and Eve in regard to human creation and evolution. [2] [3] They bore a son named …
Oxomoco y Cipactónal: Los dioses creadores del calendario
Cipactónal: Considerado el dios creador del día; se le atribuye la responsabilidad de la organización del tiempo y de los ciclos anuales. Oxomoco: Asociada a la tierra y la fertilidad, …
Cipactonal - Religion Wiki | Fandom
Cipactonal is the Aztec god of astrology and calendars. Oxomoco and Cipactonal were said to be the first human couple, and the Aztec comparison to Adam and Eve in regards to human …