Bud Plant Inc. - Wikipedia
Bud Plant Inc. was a wholesale comics distributor active in the 1970s and 1980s during the growth of the direct market. The company also published a selection of comics and zines during the same period.
Butadiene - Wikipedia
In the United States, western Europe, and Japan, butadiene is produced as a byproduct of the steam cracking process used to produce ethylene and other alkenes.
Bud Plant & Hutchison Books
With a combined 75 years of experience in selling books, Anne Hutchison and Bud Plant specialize in fine illustrated and children's books as well as books on fantasy and comic art, artists, and other forms of pop culture. Find us online and at selected west coast comic shows and book fairs. The Mirror and the Light... The Art of Michael Parkes...
Bud Plant Biographical Interview with Bud Plant and Alex Grand
Bud Plant was a wholesale comics distributor active in the 1970s and 1980s during the growth of the direct market. He also published a selection of comics and zines during the same period.
BUD PLANT’S ART BOOKS - Updated March 2025 - Yelp
Bud Plant is entering his 48th year as a mail-order specialist, with customers in all 50 states and dozens of countries. He has sold hundreds of thousands of books -- more likely more than a couple of million items -- relating to every aspect of comic book and comic strip art and history.
- Location: 13393 Grass Valley Ave Ste 7 Grass Valley, CA 95945
Bud's Art Books Blog: Bud's 2024 Best Sellers!!
We’ve put together the 2024 Bestsellers for you this week, instead of our regular new items email. See News & Notes for the handful of items that came in, which will be listed in their entirety next week. This year we broke up the Bestsellers into separate categories.
1,3-Butadiene - Encyclopedia.com
1,3-butadiene (one-three-byoo-tah-DYE-een) is a colorless gas with a mild, slightly sweet odor. It occurs naturally in petroleum, from which it is extracted at refineries. The compound was first discovered in petroleum in 1886 by the English chemist Henry E. Armstrong (1848–1937) and his colleague A. K. Miller (no dates available).
The Bud: Definition, Types and Modification | Botany - Biology …
The bud is a condensed rudimentary shoot. It is a compact body having an axis with a delicate growing point, nodes and very short unexpanded internodes and closely crowded young leaves (Fig. 47). The plumule is the first bud of the plant and the cabbage is a large bud.
1,3-Butadiene | C4H6 | CID 7845 - PubChem
1,3-Butadiene is a chemical made from the processing of petroleum. It is the 36th highest volume chemical produced in the United States. It is a colorless gas with a mild gasoline-like odor. About 75% of the manufactured 1,3-butadiene is used to make synthetic rubber.
Product detail - LyondellBasell
At ambient temperature and pressure, butadiene is a colorless, non-corrosive gas with a mild aromatic or gasoline-like odor. Europe, North America.