Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes - Grasscity Forums
Mar 6, 2025 · Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes. All your Bongs belong to us!! Show off, ask and tell and get educated about the best pieces available.
cleaned bong tastes harsh | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana ...
Jul 4, 2016 · after multiple washes your bong ends up with salt on the glass, making it look cloudy. letting a cloudy bong soak in vinegar will take away all the salt and leave it looking clear. Vinegar on its own does not clean your bong which is why you still need salt and alcohol, followed by warm water rinse.
ever mix tobacco/weed in a bong? - Grasscity Forums
Jan 16, 2010 · Man where i come from its called poppers. You get a straight tube (like a bowl for a bong, but without the actual bowl part, just the down stem) that is the size of a cigarrette, cut off how over many rings of the cigarette you want (rings in the paper), put it in the piece then press the end of that into some shake or chopped up trees and just rip the hell out of it.
Chemical taste after cleaning bong - Grasscity Forums
Aug 21, 2016 · I reccomend another product, it's called smoke soap. Sold at 420 science. It's an organic soap, smells fantastic. I clean my bong with this stuff after i use ISO or acetone. Takes any bad smells/ tastes out. This stuff is highly concentrated so you only need a small amount per cleaning. Once i clean with this i know my bong is safe to smoke from.
Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online
2 days ago · Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes All your Bongs belong to us!! Show off, ask and tell and get educated about the best pieces available.
Lubricating Your Pipe, Bong, or Grinder: - Grasscity Forums
Feb 4, 2012 · However, these particular mating surfaces have a "sweet spot" where if they art turned a certain way they tend to get stuck together. The stem gets stuck inside the bong. What I do to keep this from happening is I liberally coat the inside of the bong opening and the outside of the stem with petroleum jelly. Problem solved.
Bong high different from joint/blunt high? - Grasscity Forums
Oct 14, 2012 · Bong highs are more potent and simply feels so much cleaner due to the lack of paper/tobacco. I'm a person that has to have at least one blunt per session, but bongs are superior in almost every way. iglou19 Registered User
Coffee as bong water, a new frontier in bong maintenance.
Nov 13, 2018 · 1. It masks the nasty ass smell of bong water. You can typically smell it in the water after just one hit, and it quickly gets worse with subsequent use. 2. If that wasn't enough, it also keeps your piece about 10x cleaner than bong water.
I highly recommend sanitizing your Bong prior to first use...
Feb 28, 2014 · The bong was purchased online, God knows where it was manufactured, probably China, so I can only guess what kind of chemical residue may have been on it. I'm not in the habit of smelling a new bong before I use it, so how would I have known. So again, the point being, wash your new pieces because you never know what might be on it when you buy it.
Short bong vs tall? | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana …
Dec 26, 2016 · Smaller bongs are also great for travel and portability, and usually (usually) a smaller bong is going to be cheaper, so breaking it isn't too stressful (but at the same time so stressful, gosh why can't glass be indestructible) A bigger bong will do pretty much the exact opposite of the smaller bong. You won't be able to really travel with it ...