"Clean" taste & "biscuity" taste | Community - BeerAdvocate
Nov 13, 2012 · Biscuity and clean ‘reads’ like a well-made Helles to me. Herrburgess made an excellent suggestion of Weihenstephaner Original. I just read today that Sly Fox is packaging their Helles beer in cans. That beer is the poster child of clean and biscuity. For those of you in the Sly Fox distribution area: come and get it!
Guinness Golden Ale | Guinness Ltd. - BeerAdvocate
Apr 12, 2015 · Guinness Golden Ale is a English Pale Ale style beer brewed by Guinness Ltd. in Dublin, Ireland. Score: 78 with 64 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-09-2025.
Biscuit | Brewery Emperial - BeerAdvocate
Biscuit is a English Brown Ale style beer brewed by Brewery Emperial in Kansas City, MO. Score: 87 with 17 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-04-2025.
Remain In Light | Cambridge Brewing Company | BeerAdvocate
Thin messy lacing shows some light rings of lacing. Carbonation could be seen rising at a moderate pace. The smell started off with some sweet citrus hops, then some grassy hops slide in underneath and then combine with a light biscuity maltiness. The taste was basically the same with a light wet citrus to grassy to biscuity aftertaste.
Winterize | Surly Brewing Co. - BeerAdvocate
Winterize is a American Amber / Red Lager style beer brewed by Surly Brewing Co. in Brooklyn Center, MN. Score: 80 with 4 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-08-2025.
HopHead | Dark Star Brewing Company Limited | BeerAdvocate
HopHead is a English Pale Ale style beer brewed by Dark Star Brewing Company Limited in West Sussex, GB2, United Kingdom. Score: 87 with 94 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-05-2025.
Crisp Amber | New Trail Brewing Company | BeerAdvocate
Jun 5, 2024 · 16 oz draft pour at Frisco Taphouse in Gambrills, MD. Pours a clear light caramel color with a sudsy head. Aroma and flavor feature bready/biscuity malt and light noble hops with some grassiness and citrus. Mouthfeel is medium-bodied with smooth. Just a tasty amber lager - solid and satisfying.
POG Frog | Great Notion Brewing | BeerAdvocate
May 19, 2023 · S: Classic POG juice, pleasant lemony lactic tartness, subtle grassy notes, a touch of twangy wheat, and crackery biscuity malt. T: Pleasantly tart, plenty of passion fruit, guava, and orange as promised, plus a little lactic lemony presence, hints of apricot, and faint grassy herbal notes, all built on soft wheat and crackery biscuity malt.
West Coast IPA | Southern Tier Brewing Company | BeerAdvocate
Jan 11, 2025 · S - Light biscuity malt with some citrus and pine blended in (but pretty subdued). T - Biscuity malt base remains light with resiny grapefruit and citrus over top while ending with an assertive piney bite that begins to build as you work through the can. M - Medium body with gentle but prickly carbonation. O - Decent.
Tranquil Pils | Foam Brewers - BeerAdvocate
May 7, 2016 · This smells very spicy and a bit minerally, with biscuity malt, a nice crisp aroma for sure. This is very light, but there's a surprising amount of flavor here anyway. The hop character is refreshing, zesty, and pretty spicy, with some grassiness as well, and a bit of mineral. The malt is simple, but supportive, bready, and biscuity.