1st step in helping a bird- SECURE IT. (links incl)2cnd...
Aug 11, 2009 · After spending much time trying to re-capture it, I never did. The bird was wise to what we were trying to do and it became impossible even to get close to it. This bird still had some spunk though it was obvious it needed help. So, PLEASE once you capture the bird, be careful it can't get loose, as it can be a life or death situation.
Amoxicillin clavulanate dosage URGENT - Pigeon-Talk
Feb 26, 2024 · A frequent recommended dosing for pigeons of Clavamox is 125mg/kg q12h, so this calls for a bird weighing 300 grams to receive 37.5mg of Clavamox every 12 hours So the dose is 125mg/kg twice a day. A bird weighing 250grams would get 30mg "twice a day".
white bird release - Pigeon-Talk
Jun 21, 2010 · I think you got a good plan. Hit the goodwill stores for baskets and paint them white. You may get lucky and find a fancy bird cage you can use also. For a quick and easy stand a wooden TV tray with a small white table cloth works real well. Best part is, once you have all the baskets, stands and cages, all you do is wait on the calls.
Need help with a found homing pigeon | Pigeon-Talk
Apr 15, 2010 · My problem is this bird will fly home (near Phila) and I don't know if there is anyone there to take care of him. I have tried to contact the club member from Phila I spoke to and he is not returning my calls. I have the bird in a large bird cage (I could almost fit in it) I got him pigeon food and grit. The cage is in my garage.
What color is this bird? | Pigeon-Talk
May 16, 2014 · "Homozygous indigo (**** indigo) produces not the andalusian colored bird, but rather an Ash-red mimic. I’ve seen examples that looked just like ash-red checks or bars. The only difference is that in **** indigo birds, the rump and neck is normally a darker indigo hue than is found in ash-red birds.
What does it mean? - Pigeon-Talk
May 24, 2006 · There is also an alarm call that sounds to me like a soft "who!". The first bird to see a predator will usually sound the alarm for all the others. In addition to vocalizing, pigeons express a lot with body language. Notice if Pidge is facing you straight on or at an angle, standing upright or more horizontal.
Washington Combine Flyers - found bird | Pigeon-Talk
Aug 7, 2008 · A banded pigeon has been frequenting our feeders in Chevy Chase, Washington, DC for some time. I have learned that the number NKC 621 2008 represents Washington Combine Flyers, for which the contact person is William Howard Link (3464 Plum Tree Dr., Ellicott City, MD 21042, tel. 410-418-5170)...
I found a beautiful white dove with leg band on my ranch in tx
May 16, 2012 · I wouldn't release the bird. As you say...there are hawks around and a single white bird will stand out and be an easy target. Do you have a feed store near by where you can post a found notice? Don't give the band number. If someone calls, …
SPOGGY the Aussie sparrow we raised from 1 day old
Jan 16, 2008 · yep it was about 24 - 36 hours old - Gee Mum, thanks!!! LOL Ok - so we got the info and the sparrow rescue began and I took night shift, sleeping with an egg timer in 45 min lots as we had some very cold nights, this bird had no sibling to cuddle for warmth and I was unsure of the wheat bag, it was not always constant with its heat - I wanted to keep it warm and not cook …
songs about pigeons | Pigeon-Talk
Nov 7, 2008 · The little old bird woman comes. In her own special way to the people she calls, "Come, buy my bags full of crumbs. Come feed the little birds, show them you care And you'll be glad if you do. Their young ones are hungry, Their nests are so bare; All it takes is tuppence from you." Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag.