City of Bethlehem
2 days ago · Bethlehem is a city of 75,000 people in eastern Pennsylvania – a city known for its rich colonial and industrial history. Today Bethlehem is experiencing an economic and cultural renaissance promising a future as bright as the city’s past. American Rescue Plan. We Build Bethlehem. Explore Bethlehem. Open Bethlehem. Special Events & Vending ...
City of Bethlehem
The Bethlehem Police Department is 154 members strong with multiple divisions and units that specialize in various law enforcement services. The Department serves a population of approximately 76,000 citizens.
City of Bethlehem
Lehigh University & Bethlehem Police Substation (324 S. New St.) – 610-419-9136
City of Bethlehem
Applicants should submit a resume or application to [email protected] or City of Bethlehem, Human Resources, 10 E. Church St, Bethlehem, PA 18018. While we appreciate all applications, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Welcome to eGovPLUS - Login - Bethlehem
This portal provides City of Bethlehem citizens and customers with a single access point to all of their City services. City Services Include (but are not limited to): Pay a Real Estate Bill Online (Service Fee Schedule)
City of Bethlehem – Police Department
The Bethlehem Police Department is a modern police department with 154 sworn officers and more than 40 civilian employees. The Bethlehem Police Department is structured using the community policing philosophy and is committed to community and police partnership.
City of Bethlehem
The City of Bethlehem Bureau of Recycling’s primary responsibilities include: managing curbside recycling program, operation of the Bethlehem Yard Waste Facility, and Theis/Cornfeld Recycling Center. Additional responsibilities include enforcement of recycling as outlined in City Ordinance 3821, Article 933.
City of Bethlehem
The City of Bethlehem is creating a new community-driven Parks & Recreation Master Plan and needs your help to define a vision for the future! READ MORE
City of Bethlehem
The City of Bethlehem provides drinking water to residents and businesses in the City and all or portions of ten surrounding Municipalities and includes 36,000 metered accounts. The city’s reservoirs in the Pocono Mountains have a total storage capacity of 10 billion gallons of water.
City of Bethlehem
The City of Bethlehem encourages the planting of trees along streets where sufficient space is available. A permit is required to plant a tree on public property. The permit process allows the City Forester to inspect the planting location and review the proposed species for appropriateness.