Jaguar vs Bengal Tiger - Battles - Comic Vine
Feb 9, 2015 · Seriously, the Siberian tiger would wipe its ass with the jaguar, and the Bengal tiger would also maul it pretty badly. This is a ridiculous joke and mismatch; the tiger is simply wayyyy too big ...
Animal fight - 5 on 5 - Battles - Comic Vine
Sep 13, 2015 · Bengal Tiger vs Jaguar= Bengal Tiger wins. Although the Jaguar (and the Hyena for that matter) has a stronger bite than the Bengal Tiger (Jaguar's has 2000 PSI while Tiger has 1050 PSI, which is ...
Royal Bengal Tiger vs Jaguar - Off-Topic - Comic Vine
Jun 13, 2016 · Pure Bred Bengal Tiger from India Bengal vsJaguar Round 1. In America Rain forestRound 2 . In WaterRound 3 . Plain Grass FieldWho wins? B
Tiger vs Lion vs Jaguar - Battles - Comic Vine
Dec 29, 2019 · Tiger vs Lion vs Jaguar Bloodfury. Follow 174. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers. Reviews: 0. User ... Lion vs Tiger is a debate that has been going on for very long, and I absolutely ...
Tiger(Siberian) VS Gorilla - Battles - Comic Vine
Siberian Tiger would win. The tiger is stronger, faster, and better equipped. The animal face off fights are crap, honestly. Tiger vs Lion one had the Lion listed as being 11 ft long. That is ...
Gorilla & Polar Bear VS. Lion & Tiger - Off-Topic - Comic Vine
Dec 21, 2022 · The bengal tiger for instance often is chased off by the smaller than them sloth bear. 2 years ago. cosmic_reign. Follow 1351. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers. ...
Jaguar vs Lion - Off-Topic - Comic Vine
Jaguar is the only cat that uses a skull bite instead of a neck bite to kill with, so if it gets the first shot, has a better shot than most other big cats. (Who would get a mouthful of mane.) 9 ...
Tiger vs wolf pack - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 2, 2015 · 1 bengal tiger vs 7 wolves. Rules: Bengal tiger is 550 lb (250 kg) Wolves are 110 lb (50 kg) Regular teamwork; Both are fully healthy, bloodlusted, willing to fight back & trying to kill their ...
Bengal Tiger vs African Lion - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
Poll Bengal Tiger vs African Lion (47 votes) Tiger 70% . Lion 23% . Stalemate 6% . Both are bloodlusted. They are giving 1 full Zebra as food before the fight, just so they're in perfect condition ...
Lion vs. Tiger (2023) - Battles - Comic Vine
Feb 6, 2023 · Round 1 --- Siberian Tiger vs. Barbarian Lion / Barbary Lion Round 2 --- Bengal Tiger vs. African Lion ... The lion is also a notable feline, as well as the leopard, cheetah, jaguar, puma, and ...