Baghdad - Wikipedia
Spanning an area of approximately 673 square kilometres (260 sq mi), Baghdad is the capital of its governorate and serves as Iraq's political, economic, and cultural hub. Founded in 762 AD by Al-Mansur, Baghdad was the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate and became its most notable development project.
Baghdad | History, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Baghdad, city, capital of Iraq and capital of Baghdad governorate, central Iraq. Its location, on the Tigris River about 330 miles (530 km) from the headwaters of the Persian Gulf, is in the heart of ancient Mesopotamia. Baghdad is Iraq’s largest city and one of the most populous urban agglomerations of the Middle East.
The 10 Best Things to do in Baghdad, the Capital of Iraq
Updated October 2024, The 10 Best Things to do in Baghdad, the Capital of Iraq was originally published in June 2022. Planning to travel to Baghdad as part of your greater Iraq itinerary? Well, look no further, I’ll give you all the details to help you plan your trip and get the most out of your visit to Baghdad.
History of Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq | Britannica
Baghdad, or Bagdad, City (pop., 2011 est.: 6,150,000), capital of Iraq. Located on the Tigris River, the site has been settled from ancient times. It rose to importance after being chosen in 762 ce by Caliph al-Manṣūr (r. 754–775) as the capital of the ʿAbbāsid dynasty.
Baghdad - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baghdad (Arabic: بغداد, transliterated Baghdād) is the capital city and largest city in Iraq. It is the second-largest city in Southwest Asia after Tehran. It is the second-largest city in the Arab world after Cairo. 5,772,000 people lived there in 2003. Baghdad is …
Baghdad - New World Encyclopedia
Baghdad (Arabic: بغداد Baġdād) is the capital of Iraq and of Baghdad Governorate, which it is also coterminous with. With a municipal population estimated at 7,000,000, it is the largest city in Iraq and the second-largest city in the Arab World (after Cairo).
History of Baghdad - Wikipedia
Baghdad was the center of the Caliphate during the Islamic Golden Age of the 9th and 10th centuries, growing to be the largest city worldwide by the beginning of the 10th century. It began to decline in the Iranian Intermezzo of the 9th to 11th centuries and was destroyed in the Mongolian invasion in 1258.
Travel to Baghdad, the Capital of Iraq, 2025: 30 Best Things to Do …
Do you want to travel to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq? Do you wish to visit one of the least visited capital cities in the world? Are you planning an extraordinary holiday in Baghdad? I’ve got you …
Bagdad - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Bagdad [1] (en árabe: بغداد, "Baġdād") é a capital de Iraq, e a segunda cidade do mundo árabe en poboación total, despois do Cairo.Sitúase ás marxes do río Tigris, no centro do país.. Foi fundada en 762 polo califa al-Mansur, nun local onde existía unha vila persa.Nese mesmo ano, foi escollida como a capital do Califato Abbásida, e converteuse no seu proxecto de ...
Iraq - Baghdad, Tigris, Euphrates | Britannica
Jan 13, 2025 · Baghdad, itself a city of legend, is located at the heart of what has long been a rich agricultural region, and the modern city is the undisputed commercial, manufacturing, and service capital of Iraq.
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