全新BoC Pay+ 輕鬆支付、管理信用卡及賺盡積分獎賞|中國銀 …
全新BoC Pay+ 輕鬆支付、管理信用卡及賺盡積分獎賞, 升級介面簡單易用,方便本地及跨境支付,消費同時賺分,勁着數!全新客戶可享總值HK$50優惠券。每月逢8、18、28號積分88折優惠,積分抵銷簽賬!
All-new BoC Pay+! Easy Payments, Credit Card Management and …
The all-new BoC Pay + app makes a stunning debut! With more payment methods and easier management, you can now pay with greater ease wherever you go. You can also manage multiple credit cards on the app, earn more points and redeem more exciting goodies faster.
全新BoC Pay + 功能大升级,闪耀亮相! - Bank of China (Hong ...
全新BoC Pay+ 轻松支付、管理信用卡及赚尽积分奖赏, 升级介面简单易用,方便本地及跨境支付,消费同时赚分,劲着数!全新客户可享总值HK$50优惠券。每月逢8、18、28号积分88折优惠,积分抵销签账!
Frequently Asked Questions for BoC Pay (the "FAQ") - Bank of …
Frequently Asked Questions for BoC Pay (the "FAQ") Getting Started. What service could I enjoy on BoC Pay? BoC Pay is a mobile application developed by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited ("the Bank" or "BOCHK") with the following main features:
BoC Pay - Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
• 請透過官方應用程式商店或中銀香港網站下載BoC Pay+ 流動應用程式,並注意搜尋的關鍵字(“BoC Pay+ ”)。iPhone用戶請透過App Store網上商店下載BoC Pay+ ;Android用戶可透過Google Play、華為應用市場或中銀香港網站下載BoC Pay+。
BoC Pay - Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
With BoC Pay, you can pay merchants which accept UnionPay or Faster Payment System (FPS) QR code payments. You can also settle your bills by scanning FPS QR codes. In Mainland China, you can also pay merchants which accept UnionPay QR code payments.
BoC Pay+ | Credit Card | Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
<Pay and Save> Enjoy 5% instant discount at Fortress, YOHO and designated merchants!
BoC Pay
一經開通BoC Pay,即可以於支援銀聯二維碼或轉數快(“FPS”)二維碼的商店輕鬆支付,及透過轉數快掃碼繳費。 在中國内地,您亦可以於支援銀聯二維碼的商店使用BoC Pay支付。
BoC Pay - Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
With BoC Pay+, you can offset your spending with Gift Points from just HK$1 at over 90,000 spots in town! Using “Cash Vouchers” is easy with BoC Pay+. Just redeem, store and use them via the app anytime.
e-CNY | RMB Services | Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
BoC Pay+’s e-CNY Zone is one of the channels to use the BOC e-CNY Wallet. Services include viewing details of the wallet and transaction records, Scan & Pay, top-up and pay as you go. If you hold the BOC e-CNY Wallet, you can register for e-CNY Zone services at once.
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