Hana pōhaku, hana kūpuna, hana haipule - Blog - maoliworld
Komo na kahuna i ka hana komo ʻapana. The priests enter to perform their appointed rounds.E heluhelu i keia atikala ma lalo. O makou na mea i hana haipule no na kanaka hana pohaku me na pule akua, pule aumakua, pule pale, pule hoikaika, pule hoomalu, me ka mao ole mai ka hoomaka hana a ka pau hana, i keia me kela la o ka hana pohaku heiau. Read this article below. We are the folks with the ...
Battle of Nu’uanu Commemoration - Events - maoliworld
Pre-dawn protocols start at 5:30 sharp, so be at the Pali lookout in traditional attire by 5AM, so we can arrange entering procession. Program will include oli for Akua, ‘Aumakua, Waolani, Nu’uanu, Kamehameha, and other ali’i, then ho’okupu, hula, and words about the battle of Nu’uanu by Kalama Cabigon. Morning pule will end with greeting of the dawn (E Ala E), and exit procession ...
Is it possible to be a descendant of Pele? - Forum - maoliworld
Dec 15, 2010 · My whole family on my father's side has always had short tempers, especially my father. I also wanted to point out that our main 'aumakua is the shark and to me it is signifacant because, it is said that when Pele left Tahiti her oldest brother, Kamohoali'i, king of the sharks, gave her a canoe to travel to Hawai'i.
Kihawahine - Forum - maoliworld
Dec 17, 2008 · Aloha, there's so many stories of Kihawahine here in Hana. The Mo'o is my ohana's aumakua. It's been part of us for generations. Lucky, we still can pass down these stories we heard from our kupuna when we were little. Sometimes it was kind of scary.Like certain places down at Waikaloa or Kawaipapa.
Finding my ancestors - Forum - maoliworld
May 12, 2010 · There was a young man back in the 60s from Hana, Maui and he told me his grandfather made a last trip to Tahiti by canoe to see his 'ohana there and to bid them his last farewell. That trip was around 1958. That was the last voyage I know of and this same young man would swim with the mano in Hana because they were his aumakua.
Friday, April 25, 2008 - Events - maoliworld
Apr 25, 2008 · Description: Pre-dawn protocols start at 5:30 sharp, so be at the Pali lookout in traditional attire by 5AM, so we can arrange entering procession. Program will include oli for Akua, ‘Aumakua, Waolani, Nu’uanu, Kamehameha, and other ali’i, then ho’okupu, hula, a; …
The Akaka Bill Is Unconstitutional - Blog - maoliworld
The Akaka Bill Is UnconstitutionalOn December19, 1842, United States President John Tyler recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independentand sovereign State, extended full and complete diplomatic recognition to the Hawaiian Government, and entered intotreaties and conventions with the Hawaiian government in 1849, 1875 and 1887.After the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii of ...
Was the Hawaiian religion banned or abolished? - maoliworld
From what I know, the Hawaiian religion was never banned; it was abolished. Many converted to christianity, some kept their religion; and some combined it. It's all very normal actions and universal. That's why it aggravates me when an arrogant Hawaiian-American tells me differently. He can kiss-ass to the military and the U.S.A. but don't tread on me.The fact is, when Kamehameha the Great ...
Hau'oli La Ku'oko'a o Hawai'i Nei! - Forum - maoliworld
Nov 29, 2008 · Hau'oli La Ku'oko'a! EO! EO! EO! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY HAWAI'I! Today is a day to remember, and truly give thanks! Let's sing along together in praise of our nation! E Hawai'i nui kuauli! E na hono a'o Pi'ilani! O'ahu o Kakuhihewa! Kaua'i o Manokalanipo! Kaua'i o Manokalanipo! E na'i wale no 'oukou I ku'u pono 'a'ole pau I ke kumu pono o Hawai'i E mau ke ea o ka 'aina i ka pono E mau ke ea o ...
E Kahea wau ia kakou, e na keiki o ka 'aina - Forum - maoliworld
2/02/10 ‘Pay attention to the whispers lest ye shall attend to the shouts,’ is a tiny message with a powerful meaning. How long has Kamakahonu whispered its nature and identity yet humans continue NOT to hear? This is the ‘Eye-of-the-Turtle’, Heart of all Hawaii (a home of God). This hallowed ground was held in sacredness by ancestors of our …