Aquatint - Wikipedia
Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique, a variant of etching that produces areas of tone rather than lines. For this reason it has mostly been used in conjunction with etching, to give …
Aquatint | Definition, Process, & Facts | Britannica
aquatint, a variety of etching widely used by printmakers to achieve a broad range of tonal values. The process is called aquatint because finished prints often resemble watercolour drawings or …
AQUATINT中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
AQUATINT翻译:用凹版腐蚀法印制成的图画。 了解更多。
What Is Aquatint? – The Art of Etching With Tonal Depth
Sep 29, 2023 · Aquatint is a printing technique where an artist can create beautiful works of art with intricate details, using toned areas instead of lines, and produce subtle changes between …
The Printed Image in the West: Aquatint - The Metropolitan …
Oct 1, 2003 · A means of etching tonal values, aquatint was named for the effects it creates, which look rather like ink or watercolor washes. The technique can be used to produce shaded …
Aquatint: From Its Origins to Goya - National Gallery of Art
In the second half of the eighteenth century, the blossoming of a new printmaking technique—aquatint—vastly expanded possibilities for creating and disseminating images …
Aquatint: From Its Origins to Goya - National Gallery of Art
Johann Carl Richter, Pierre-Jacques Volaire, Vesuvausbruch von 1771 (The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1771), 1797, etching and aquatint printed in brown, laid down on a mount with a …
A short explanation of aquatint - ArtWeb Blog
Jan 3, 2020 · Aquatint, in a nutshell, is an intaglio printmaking technique, closely related to etching, that enables the creation of an extremely wide range of tonal effects.
Aquatint - History of Science Museum
The aquatint process involves spreading a ground dissolved in liquid over a plate (traditionally copper or zinc), which, once the liquid has evaporated leaving the ground, acts as resist to an …
Aquatint - Tate
Aquatint is a printmaking technique that produces tonal effects by using acid to eat into the printing plate creating sunken areas which hold the ink