Roosevelt Elk - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
General information about Roosevelt Elk in Alaska such as description, life history, range, habitat and more.
Elk Hunting in Alaska - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Elk are members of the deer family. They are much larger than deer, but not as large as moose. Males have antlers, which in prime bulls are very large and sweep gracefully back over the shoulders with spikes pointing forward. Bull elk on Afognak Island are estimated to weigh up to 1,300 lbs (591 kg).
Elk Hunting - Alaska Game Hunting - Hunt Afognak
Elk Hunt Rates – $450/day/hunter * Additional Costs – Elk Tag: Non-Resident – $600 / Alien – $800. View unguided hunt policies. Elk hunting season is September 25 – November 30, with one Elk/hunter. We suggest a 6-day hunt but more days can be added.
Elk - Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game introduced elk to Alaska to increase recreational hunting and provide additional food supply. Elk in Alaska are descendants from both Roosevelt (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) and Rocky Mountain (Cervus elaphus nelsonni) elk populations.
types of elk can be found in Alaska today: Roosevelt elk and Rocky Mountain elk. Elk, which are a member of the deer family, were first released into the wild on Afognak Island near Kodiak Island in 1929 and then to Etolin Island near Petersburg in Southeast Alaska in 1987. Both of these new Alaska populations began with a small number
Alaska Elk Hunting 2025 - 2026 | Draw Odds, Tags, Season Info ...
Most hunters willing to make the investment to harvest an Alaska elk are finding higher success on the western Afognak Island hunt. The following table provides information on most bull elk hunts available to non-residents.
Home | Northern Lights Elk
Northern Lights Elk Ranch of Alaska produces top quality Rocky Mountain Elk for trophy hunts. Summers in the land of the Midnight Sun and winters under the Northern Lights make the best elk in the world!
Elk. Elk (Cervus elaphus) are sometimes called “wapiti” in North America. Two subspecies of elk have been introduced to Alaska. Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) are larger, slightly darker in color, and have shorter, thicker antlers than the Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). In many European
Hunting Opportunities - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Most drawing hunts are available to residents and nonresidents. Drawing hunts require an application fee and are awarded by lottery. The application period for drawing hunts is during November and December. Visit the Draw Information and Hunt Supplements pages for further information. Information on hunting and trapping in Alaska.
Elk In Alaska: Everything You Need To Know About Them
Sep 14, 2023 · Yes, there are elks in the state of Alaska. Did you know that the last elk in Alaska’s interior region were found in the Pleistocene era and died about thousands of years ago? This fact came up through fossil findings from various regions of Alaska.