Domus - Wikipedia
In ancient Rome, the domus (pl.: domūs, genitive: domūs or domī) was the type of town house occupied by the upper classes and some wealthy freedmen during the Republican and …
Roman House: Domus, Insulae, Villas, and Other Types of Roman …
Jan 7, 2021 · The standard urban dwelling for the wealthy was called a domus, while crowded cities held multi-story apartment buildings known as insulae. Opulent rural estates were …
Smarthistory – Roman Domestic architecture: the Domus
Communicating with the atrium might be bed chambers (cubicula), side rooms or wings (alae), and the office of the paterfamilias, known as the tablinum. The tablinum, often at the rear of …
Alae, Tablinum and Peristylium. The manner in which the alae, or wings, were formed has been explained; they were simply the rectangular recesses left on the right and left of the atrium …
The Roman House discover an amazing social life in Rome 101
The Alae. The alae (alae is the plural of ala, the word ala means ‘wing’) were the open rooms on each side of the atrium. Their use is largely unknown today. One knows that in the early Italian …
Domus | Ancient Rome, Architecture, Urban Planning | Britannica
Domus, private family residence of modest to palatial proportions, found primarily in ancient Rome and Pompeii. In contrast to the insula (q.v.), or tenement block, which housed numerous …
article focuses on the ancient literary and epigraphic evidence for the term ala(-ae) and considers its occurrence within both private and public archi-tectural contexts, while also discussing its …
In the case of the so-called alae (wings) – which are traditionally described as a pair of symmetrical rooms opened onto either side of the atrium - their location in relation to the …
Roman Houses and Villas | UNRV Roman History
To the right and left of the atrium were side rooms called the alae (just like the Cavalry Alae units were used on the flanks), and the tablinum was a balcony attached to it. The passages from …
Roman Domus - Archweb
In ancient Rome, the domus (plural domūs, genitive domūs or domī) was the type of house occupied by the upper classes and some wealthy freedmen during the Republican and …