Cat Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead - Works | Archive of Our Own
While out on patrol, Aizawa Shota is attacked and hit with a transformation quirk that gives him the physical and mental traits of his spirit animal, which happens to be a house cat. …
Is it ever actually states that Aizawa loves and has many cats, or is ...
Dec 2, 2021 · He canonically loves cat and Hirokoshi did once state that in his free time he follows stray cats around lol. It is shown in his character profile that he likes cats, and also in the spin …
aizawa and his kitten son - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own
May 13, 2021 · aizawa could have his mental break down later -- now he apparently has a son who was in pain, and aizawa, while he can care for a cat.. children are different. "umm.. my …
Cat aizawa - Archive of Our Own
Thanks to the perils of underground work, unlicensed Quirk users and a raid gone wrong, Aizawa Shouta was, for the time being, a cat. (In which Aizawa is hit with a shape-shifting Quirk and …
Cats are Like That Chapter 1, a my hero academia/僕の
Toshinori was positive that Shota Aizawa was a cat. Not an actual cat, a metaphorical cat. Or perhaps even a cat in human form. He was quiet and reserved, introverted, and solitary. Cats …
The Cat Came Back (Shouta Aizawa x Female!Reader) - DeviantArt
Oct 24, 2022 · Aizawa looked at the clock yet again. He was probably just as eager as his students were for class to end on a Friday. Just another 17 minutes until the bell and he coul- …
Aizawa’s Life as a Cat : r/BokunoheroFanfiction - Reddit
Feb 23, 2022 · Luckily, Aizawa Shouta found a new mother in the form of Midoriya Inko. He vowed to dedicate himself to the mother that offered him unconditionally love and protection, …
Pet Me, Papa, a my hero academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア …
Oct 14, 2018 · Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Midoriya Izuku. Rating: M for sexual content. Summary: Izuku has a quirk, one that gives him the attributes of a cat. Aizawa is pleased with this. …
When is it stated how much Aizawa likes cats? : r ... - Reddit
Jun 17, 2020 · Aizawa's revealed that he likes cats, which is where this whole crazy cat dude thing came from. The reason why he likes cats is delved into with his backstory in the …
The Amazing Adventures of Catzawa - Egg - Wattpad
basically Aizawa gets turned into a cat and has to adjust his life to being a cat this is more of a crackfic than anything, I'm not too pressed about consisten...
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