Examine the social construction of race, gender, and identify African American contributions to the formation of the United States. Identify, examine, and differentiate key African American …
- [PDF]
Students will be able to analyze the roles of African Americans in the social-cultural, political, and economic development of the United States.
AFROAM 004 - The African American in the History of the U.S. I
AFROAM 004 at Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) in Valley Glen, California. Students analyze historiographical issues in African American history and how black Americans were active …
AFRO AM 004 The African American in the History of the U.S. I (3) UC:CSU . Prerequisite: None. Recommended: Self-placement into ENGLISH 101 or E.S.L. 110. Lecture, 3 hours. This …
Charles Gaylord at Los Angeles City College | Rate My Professors
AFRO AM 004 - Prof is great, you learn a lot. 8-week online class. Reading: 17 chapters (2 books), plus articles/videos. 8 Discussion Posts, plus responses. 2-page thesis paper; …
Courses may be double counted in Area 3B, 4 or 7. US-1: AFRO AM 004, 005; CHICANO 007, 008; HISTORY 006F09, 011, 012, 052, 081, 082 US-2/US-3: POL SCI 001 . Note: Asian 001 …
TAP Curriculum - LAVC
TAP/Honors course sections are designed to produce a more rigorous educational experience through stimulating peer interaction and enhanced course content with an emphasis on the …
One U.S. History course (US -1) from: AFRO AM 004, 005; CHICANO 007, 008; HISTORY 006
{"id":174177,"name":"AFRO AM 004 : Afri-Am Us Hist I - Ealy H. - SPRING 2022 - SECTION# 12790","account_id":835,"uuid":"g6si3YVPhmVfikpl2asLpl7mPB9fMEZfYwZI4M05 ...
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