Adriatic Sea - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · Adriatic Sea (ādrēă´tĬk), arm of the Mediterranean Sea [1], between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula [2]. It extends c.500 mi (800 km) from the Gulf of Venice, at its head, SE to the Strait of Otranto, which leads to the Ionian
Ionian Sea | Encyclopedia.com
Ionian Sea, part of the Mediterranean Sea, S Europe, between Greece and S Italy. It is connected with the Adriatic Sea by the Strait of Otranto. The Gulf of Taranto and the Gulf of Corinth are its chief arms. The Ionian Islands lie in its eastern part. Kérkira and Pátrai (Greece) and Catania and Taranto (Italy) are the chief ports.
Bora - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 27, 2018 · bora Regional term for a cold and typically very dry wind from the north-east, blowing down from the mountains on the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. They are most common in winter on northern Adriatic coasts. The wind is probably a consequence of continental high pressure in central Europe with low pressure to the south in the Mediterranean.
Yugoslavia - Encyclopedia.com
The port of Bar and the Gulf of Kotor are the main access points. At about 125 mi (200 km), the Adriatic Sea is at its widest between Yugoslavia and southern Italy. This portion of the Adriatic is also the deepest, reaching some 4,360 ft (1,330 m) at a point about 75 mi (120 km) southwest of the Gulf of Kotor. CLIMATE AND VEGETATION Temperature
Largest peninsula in the Adriatic Sea Answers - Daily Themed …
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Caspian Sea - Encyclopedia.com
May 23, 2018 · Caspian Sea Shallow salt lake, the world's largest inland body of water. The Caspian Sea is enclosed on three sides by Russia, Kazakstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The s shore forms the n border of Iran. It has been an important trade route for centuries. It is fed mainly by the River Volga; there is no outlet. The chief ports are Baku and ...
D'annunzio, Gabriele (1863–1938) | Encyclopedia.com
The wall formed by the rocky Apennines on one side and the bordering of the Adriatic Sea on the other isolated this region, allowing its strong folkloric traditions to be preserved. Allusions to folklore and myths are to be found in his works, particularly in the collection of short stories Le novelle della pescara (1902; Tales of Pescara) and ...
Paul, Missionary Journeys - Encyclopedia.com
His travels by land and sea in the Roman dominated eastern regions of the Mediterranean during the relatively peaceful era of the Pax Romana are most reliably reconstructed by placing primary reliance upon those epistles judged authentically his (Rom, 1 – 2 Cor, Gal, Phil, 1 Thess, Phlm). The traditions about Paul's movement in the deutero ...
Pfeiffer, Ida (1797–1858) - Encyclopedia.com
Despite her financial circumstances, she began planning trips. An excursion to the port city of Trieste, then an Austrian-ruled harbor on the Adriatic Sea, excited her imagination as she saw salt water and ships for the first time in her life. By the early 1840s, Pfeiffer's sons were grown, and she felt free to do things long imagined.
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Communities in the Holy Land
They would then board a ship, which would sail down the Adriatic Sea to the eastern Mediterranean and onward to one of the port cities on the Levant, the European term for the countries that bordered the eastern Mediterranean. Along the way the ship would make port at islands such as Cyprus to stock up on provisions and provide some rest for ...