Pass multiple inputs into Map State in AWS Step Function
Dec 3, 2019 · This was a real PITA. Here is an example with AWS CDK:. const mapBlock = new sfn.Map(this, "processLoop", { // Pick your array path itemsPath: sfn.JsonPath.stringAt ...
Combining AWS step function task and map outputs in to one array
Jul 31, 2020 · In case you need to do it several times in the step function you can use only one state using array flattening (some_array[*][*]) along with array merging (States.Array(array1, array2)) at the same time:
I am trying to map an Amazon EC2 drive to a local machine
Sep 10, 2015 · Use the AWS CLI. The AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) has a aws s3 cp command that lets you easily copy files to/from Amazon S3. You can even sync between a local directory and S3. It's an easy way to move data.
AWS step-function mapState iterate over large payloads
Wrap the 'Inner' Map State in an 'Outer' Map State, and create a Lambda function within the Outer Map to feed the batches to the Inner Map. Now that we have a small output consisting of S3 keys, we need a way to open one at a time, feeding each batch into the original (now 'Inner') Map state.
Working around AWS Step Function Map concurrency limit
Dec 17, 2020 · Use nested state machine inside your map state, so you can have ~40 child state machines executing in parallel. Then inside each child state machine use a map state to process ~40 items in parallel. This way you can reach processing ~1600 items in parallel. But before reaching that you will reach AWS Step Functions Quotas:
How can I get the index of an iterator/map state in AWS step …
Jan 8, 2023 · The Map item index is available on the Context object as $$.Map.Item.Index. The ItemSelector field * , which overrides the values passed to each Map iteration, can reference the Context object:
Can I access the TaskToken from a Map state with ItemSelector …
Jan 25, 2023 · The problem I'm running into is how to use both an ItemSelector at the Map state level but also inject the TaskToken during the internal step. I need to use an ItemSelector because I want each item to also contain information from the input to Map state. The AWS Docs state: The ItemSelector field replaces the Parameters field within the Map state.
Adding IAM Group to aws-auth configmap in AWS EKS
Apr 1, 2019 · The aws-auth configmap in AWS EKS performs a mapping between IAM users/roles to kubernetes RBAC roles. However, the documentation does not specify anything on adding IAM groups to the configmap. However, the documentation does not specify anything on adding IAM groups to the configmap.
aws map between availability zone and zone name
Aug 6, 2020 · From aws doc : An Availability Zone is represented by a Region code followed by a letter identifier; for example, us-east-1a. To ensure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones for a Region, we independently map …
Is there a way to visualize AWS current running infrastructure?
Jun 28, 2018 · One challenge with most cloudformation visualizations is that they map every single resource instead of the logical entity. For example, a VPC is typically 20ish resources, but logically only one entity. The Stackery VS Code plugin is free and enables visualization and editing with logical entities.