The new generation of diesel engines with computer controlled fuel injection and electronic controls offer fuel economy, lowered noise levels and less smoke and vibration. These are great steps forward in making these engines the best choice for …
AJ 28 BOATS - ajboats.com
AJ-28 Comercial Lobsterboat AJ Enterprises started out in 1985 as a commercial boat finishing business. Through our early years we concentrated on improving the finishes on our boats by using new techniques.
AJ 28 BOATS AJ Enterprises PO Box 276 Winter Harbor, ME 04693. Phone-207-460-6295. E-mail us at <[email protected]> Alan Johnson -- Proprietor. The Lobster Yacht. The Lobster Yacht is called that because our hulls are of the Maine Lobsterboat design. Maine Lobsterboats have evolved through the years and are by design built for the rough ...
AJ 28 BOATS AJ Enterprises PO Box 276 Winter Harbor, ME 04693. Phone-207-460-6295. E-mail us at <[email protected]>. Alan Johnson -- Proprietor
AJ 28 BOATS AJ Enterprises PO Box 276 Winter Harbor, ME 04693. Phone-207-460-6295. E-mail us at <[email protected]> Alan Johnson -- Proprietor. Roller Finish No-Skid. This photo shows the no-skid finish that we use on the commercial and basic versions of our boats. It is a rough textured finish that is produced by using a finely ground ...
AJ 28 BOATS AJ Enterprises PO Box 276 Winter Harbor, ME 04693. Phone-207-460-6295. E-mail us at <[email protected]> Alan Johnson -- Proprietor. MODELS. ENGINE CHOICES. CONSTRUCTION. FINISHES. This is a brand new boat that has never been in the water. It has been built on speculation and was started in 2008 when the economy slowed down.