Is my understanding right about the actual differences between …
Sep 20, 2018 · 240p (240 lines progressive) moves the even field down 1/2 row and the odd field up 1/2 row so now a frame is only 240 lines but it draws it 60 times per second. You can see scanlines because now nothing is being drawn between those 240 lines like with 480i.
With a 15 kHz video signal (240p or 480i), does VGA have any real …
A lot of component inputs on modern TVs won't accept a 240p input on the component video input though, they expect 480i or better. Its a good idea to test the TV you plan to use first by hooking up a known 240p composite video output to the Y (Green) jack and see if you get a (mono) picture to confirm that it supports it. –
Why did some video games apparently use "interlaced" video …
Jul 16, 2021 · 480i / 240p are the nominal “active” (picture-containing) scanlines for 525/60 systems (North American System M, commonly referred to as “NTSC”). The rest of the scanlines are spent in vertical blanking, waiting for the electron beam to move back to the top of the screen.
What kind of television set would work with the Commodore 64?
Aug 20, 2020 · What a scan-doubler actually does is promote the 240p to 480p, thus eliminating the sync problems caused by 240p and also eliminating the "flicker" problem on CRT's by getting rid of interlace. Such a 480p signal also has a 31.5kHz horizontal frequency, doubled from the original 240p 15.75kHz, and is compatible with "VGA" inputs, if you ...
Did any PS1 games use 640x480? - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
Jan 13, 2021 · You don’t need two buffers at 640x480 because television is interlaced — each field is only 640x240; if you can render at 60Hz then you can always draw the next field while the current is being output and therefore maintain proper even/odd sampling positions for a genuine interlaced signal.
emulation - How much PlayStation 1 hardware in the PS2 ...
Oct 14, 2022 · In my opinion, the PS2 remains the best way to experience original PlayStation 1 games, short of an actual PS1 console. The ability of the PS2 to mimic/emulate the PS1 hardware seems really good, d...
Is an LG 43UK6200PLA television set supposed to be able to …
May 6, 2021 · There wasn't an actual "240p" signal type in the analog era; it was 480i with a slightly tweaked timing so that every field would be a "top" field. Analog TVs weren't complicated enough to ever do the wrong thing. Digital TVs, which have to sample the analog signal, may or may not get terribly messed up depending on how they generate their timing.
vga - Is the s-video output on the Commodore 64 different from …
Mar 11, 2018 · The C64 outputs a 240p signal, not a 480i (interlaced) signal. Not all converter boxes will support a 240p input correctly, it is hit or miss. Check the reviews carefully and see if people are complaining about it not getting a picture …
graphics - Actual resolution of composite video monitors ...
Jul 5, 2017 · Presumably you still have to stay within overall NTSC parameters, but that's nominally 240p (when you don't use interlacing); could you that way get closer to being able to actually use 240 scan lines? Similarly, how high could the practical horizontal resolution get in that scenario, if you happened to have a composite video monitor plugged in?
When were videos first commonly downloaded on the Internet?
Jan 31, 2025 · @hobbs I thought a lot of the early CD encyclopedia stuff was only around 240x160. Once the wow factor wore off I found the resolution so poor as to make it mostly useless; a few years later while I'd generally wait longer for 360/480p downloads I found 240p good enough for when nothing better was available. –