2022-23 - Montana
The ESSA Plan requires that these schools identify the specific strategies for which funds were used. Comprehensive Schools receiving school improvement funds were identified in 2018. Funds were used to implement strategies in 2022-2023
2022-23 - gemsapi_olap.opi.mt.gov
The ESSA Plan requires that these schools identify the specific strategies for which funds were used. Comprehensive Schools receiving school improvement funds were identified in 2018. Funds were used to implement strategies in 2022-2023
Report Viewer Configuration Error - Montana
As required under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Montana developed an accountability system to meaningfully differentiate schools by the support needed.
Report Viewer Configuration Error - gemsapi_olap.opi.mt.gov
As required under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Montana developed an accountability system to meaningfully differentiate schools by the support needed.