Jun 18, 2024 · Washington, DC — Only six to eight critically endangered vaquita may remain on the planet, the Mexican government announced last week in reporting the results of a new …
Traditionally ungulates were considered even or odd-toed hoofed animals, however, as genetics demonstrated new relationships between species, the number of animals who qualify as …
Animal Welfare Institute 900 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20003 · 202-337-2332 · AWIONLINE.ORG Scientist/Senior Scientist, Terrestrial Wildlife Program
The California referendum to prohibit housing sows in gestation crates, hens in battery cages, and veal calves in crates by 2015 passed in November by a nearly two-to-one margin.
rate of destruction of tropical forests, some 17,500 species are being lost per year Œ a rate 1,000 to 10,000 times greater than extinction rates prior to human intervention (Wilson 1988).
LIST OF ACRONYMS + ABBREVIATIONS ACCOBAMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area AI artificial …
The Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (“the World Heritage Convention”), signed in 1972, is the primary legal instrument for preserving the world’s
Every two years, Congress loses members who retire from politics, run for another office, or lose their reelection bid. Unfortunately, the end of the 117th Congress brings with it the loss of …