Mission Command - United States Army
The screen, guard, and cover are the security measures used primarily by battalion-sized units to secure themselves from conventional enemy units. These measures, respectively, contain...
FM 17-98 Chapter 4 Security Operations - GlobalSecurity.org
There are four types of security missions: screen, guard, cover, and area security. All security missions serve the same general purpose: they prevent the main body from being observed or...
MGRS Mapper | Graphic Control Measure Symbols
Control measure symbols generally fall into one of three categories: points, lines, or areas. The coloring and labeling of control measure symbols are almost identical to framed symbols. …
SECURE - A tactical mission task that involves preventing a unit, facility, or geographical location from being damaged or destroyed as a result of enemy action. (ADRP 1-02 pg 1-33) SEIZE - A...
actions by a friendly force or effects on an enemy force. Tactical mission tasks describe the results or effects the commander wants to achieve, the what and why of a mission statement. …
The tactical mission tasks in this appendix describe the results or effects the commander wants to achieve—the what and why of a mission statement not previously addressed in this publication.
FM 17-95 Chapter 4 Security Operations - GlobalSecurity.org
Covering force operations are normally an armored cavalry regiment mission. Separate brigades or task organized divisional brigades may perform cover as well. Cavalry units perform security...
FM3-90 Chapter 12 Security Operations - GlobalSecurity.org
Cover is a form of security operations whose primary task is to protect the main body by fighting to gain time while also observing and reporting information and preventing enemy ground...
Terminology and Graphics - Marine Corps Association
Aug 14, 2019 · Screen, guard, or cover? Security operations are designed to provide reaction time, maneuver space, and protection to friendly forces. The three types of security …
Operational Terms | PPT - SlideShare
Jan 27, 2012 · Neutralize is a tactical mission task that results in rendering enemy personnel or materiel incapable of interfering with a particular operation. (Figure B-26 shows the neutralize …