Documentation comments - document APIs using /// comments
Feb 19, 2025 · Tools like Visual Studio provide IntelliSense for many common XML elements used in documentation comments. This article covers these topics: You create documentation for your code by writing special comment fields indicated by triple slashes. The comment fields include XML elements that describe the code block that follows the comments.
Example XML documentation comments - C# reference
Sep 14, 2021 · This article contains three examples for adding XML documentation comments to most C# language elements. The first example shows how you document a class with different members. The second shows how you would reuse explanations for a hierarchy of classes or interfaces. The third shows tags to use for generic classes and members.
Recommended XML documentation tags - C# reference
Aug 15, 2024 · What follows are some recommendations, general use case scenarios, and things that you should know when using XML documentation tags in your C# code. While you can put any tags into your documentation comments, this article describes the recommended tags for the most common language constructs.
xmldoc - npm
xmldoc lets you parse XML documents with ease. It's a pure-JavaScript, one-file XML document class with a single dependency on the excellent sax parser. For more on why I wrote this class, see the blog post. See CHANGELOG.md for details (built with GitHub Changelog Generator).
nfarina/xmldoc: A lightweight XML Document class for JavaScript. - GitHub
xmldoc lets you parse XML documents with ease. It's a pure-JavaScript, one-file XML document class with a single dependency on the excellent sax parser. For more on why I wrote this class, see the blog post. See CHANGELOG.md for details (built with GitHub Changelog Generator).
How to create an XML document using XmlDocument?
Jul 19, 2018 · XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( ); //(1) the xml declaration is recommended, but not mandatory. XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", null ); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; doc.InsertBefore( xmlDeclaration, root ); //(2) string.Empty makes cleaner code.
What does `$xml = $ ( xmlDoc )` do? - Stack Overflow
Aug 17, 2012 · There's nothing special about the syntax. The variable named $xml is assigned the result of calling the function $ with as its parameter the variable xmlDoc. It's the same syntax as a = f(b).
docs/docs/csharp/language-reference/xmldoc/index.md at main - GitHub
Learn about documentation comments. You can create documentation for your code by including XML elements in special comment fields. You can use other tools to build documentation layouts from comments. C# source files can have structured comments that produce API documentation for the types defined in those files.
C# XML Documentation Website Link - Stack Overflow
Is it possible to include a link to a website in the XML documentation? For example, my method's summarized as. /// This is a math function I found HERE. ... and when I type. I want IntelliSense to show the summary with the option to click on "HERE" to link to an outside website. Is this possible? How would it be done?
XmlDocument Class (System.Xml) | Microsoft Learn
Represents an XML document. You can use this class to load, validate, edit, add, and position XML in a document. System. Configuration. Config Xml Document. System. Xml. Xml Data Document. For more information about this API, see Supplemental API remarks for XmlDocument. Initializes a new instance of the XmlDocument class.