UDA - The Urban Development Authority
Jul 4, 2020 · UDA’s mission is to promote and to regulate the urban development process in order to facilitate the growth of the economy, protecting the natural and built heritage and improving the quality of life of all inhabitants.
UDA introduced the "Green Rating" for Proposed Project to Promoting and encouraging sustainable development trough construction of environmental friendly buildings.
UDA General Tele. Lines : UDA General Fax Line : Old New 1.0CHAIRMAN'S OFFICE ... Sl. Designation Name Direct Tel. Fax Mobile/Res. e-mail address Ext. No. Unit Head Mrs. W.A. Rupa Ranjani 5020 3019 2874585 0717119871 4.0HUMAN RESOURSES MANAGEMENT DIVISION Dy. DG (HRM & Admin) Mr. W.A.S. Sumanasooriya 4201 2200 2873641 2873637 ssumanasooriya ...
Director General - Urban Development Authority - UDA
[email protected] [email protected] 7 th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage I, Battaramulla. Director – Information Communication Technology . Mr. L.C.M. Perera. Direct No Mobile No Extention Fax Number Email . 0112875078 072 3156795 2130 011 2875071 [email protected] [email protected]. ...
The Urban Development Authority - UDA
UDA 6th , 7th and 9th Floors, "Sethsiripaya", Battaramulla. Sri Lanka. +94 112 873 637 [email protected] +94 112 875 916 / +94 112 875 917 +94 112 875 918 / +94 112 875 919 +94 112 875 920 / +94 112 873 644 +94 112 873 647 / +94 112 873 649
In order to provide an efficient service to the public, UDA has introduced an Online Application System, through which the public can directly submit all types of applications for approval of their intended development activities.
vii. Within the areas that are/will be identified by UDA as site with National and Regional significance viii. Proposed development activities within the conservation areas identified by the Coast Conservation Department. ix. Within land slide prone areas as identified by National Building Research Organization (NBRO) x.
3.3 representatives from all Local authorities within uda declared areas for following disciplines; I. City Planning division II. drainage and Water supply division III. solid Waste management division Iv. assessor's department v. Fire service department vI. Traffic Design & Road Safety Division 4.1 the scope Committee of the one stop unit ...
Chairman - The Urban Development Authority - UDA
011 2873645 2010 011 2877472 [email protected] 9 th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage I, Battaramulla
The Urban Development Authority - UDA
UDA 6th , 7th and 9th Floors, "Sethsiripaya", Battaramulla. Sri Lanka. +94 112 873 637 [email protected] +94 112 875 916 / +94 112 875 917 +94 112 875 918 / +94 112 875 919 +94 112 875 920 / +94 112 873 644