Home | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
Pi Beta Phi has worked to support and empower our sisters since 1867. In the century and a half since, more than 350,000 women have proudly worn our golden arrow.
Facts | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
In 1867, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a sisterhood rooted in shared experiences, enduring values and Sincere Friendships. Today, more than 150 years and 350,000 members later, we continue to celebrate our founders' vision as sisters of …
Collegiate Recruitment | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
Since 1867, Pi Beta Phi has ensured women have the support of sincere friends, opportunities to lead and the inspiration to achieve their goals. We’re proud of our heritage and honor the legacy of Pi Phis who have come before us.
About Us | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
More than 150 years ago, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a new organization grounded in the values of Integrity, Lifelong Commitment, Honor & Respect, Personal & Intellectual Growth, Philanthropic Service to Others and Sincere Friendship. Learn more about Pi Beta Phi with some fast facts about our sisterhood.
Join Pi Phi | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
Pi Phi's collegiate and alumnae programming is designed to promote friendship, develop women of intellect and integrity, cultivate leadership potential and enrich lives through community service.
Online Learning Center | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
Pi Phi is proud to offer its leaders innovative training resources through the Pi Beta Phi Online Learning Center. The Online Learning Center houses training programs specific to each officer role. Below is an overview of the officer training courses.
Founders Exhibit | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
The Women Who Established Pi Beta Phi. The founders of Pi Beta Phi created the Fraternity to cultivate sincere friendship, establish real-life objectives and promote happiness. Jennie Nicol, M.D. (1845–1881) Jennie was a pioneer among physicians, becoming one of the first women to …
The Arrow | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
The purpose of The Arrow is to present matters of value to Pi Beta Phi, furnish a means of communication among collegiate chapters, alumnae clubs and officers and represent the worthiest interest of Fraternity women.
Pi Beta Phi - Indiana Beta
The Mission of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women is to promote friendship, develop women of integrity, cultivate leadership potential and enrich lives through community service. Contact Us (636)-256-0680
Scholarships | Pi Beta Phi Fraternity For Women
For the 2024-2025 academic year, Pi Phi awarded $317,846 in scholarships and fellowships. Our scholarship recipients demonstrate financial need in addition to academic achievement and service to Pi Beta Phi and their communities.