Pepino Melon: How to Eat it and What it Tastes Like - Yummy …
Nov 28, 2022 · Learn how to cut a pepino melon and the many different ways to eat it. You'll also find tips on picking the ripe fruit.
Solanum muricatum - Wikipedia
Solanum muricatum is a species of evergreen shrub native to South America and grown for its sweet edible fruit. It is known as pepino dulce ("sweet cucumber" in English, in order to differentiate it from cucumber which is also called "pepino" in Spanish) or simply pepino.
How to Eat Pepino Melon: Cutting, Prepping, and Serving - wikiHow
Jul 9, 2024 · Pepino melon, also known as pepino dulce or melon pear, is a tropical hand-sized fruit that has a cool, refreshing flavor. If you’re excited to try pepino melon, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this tasty fruit so you can enjoy it or incorporate it into your dishes.
What Is A Pepino: Tips On Growing Pepino Plants - Gardening Know How
Jul 20, 2022 · The pepino melon shrub is an evergreen native to the mild Andean regions of Colombia, Peru and Chile. So what is pepino? Read this article for information about pepino plant care.
12 Best Health Benefits of Pepino Melon - Side Effects, Nutrition
Jun 13, 2023 · Pepino Melon, a superfruit, is packed with health benefits. Contains antioxidants, flavonoids, and phenolics boosting immunity and offering anticancer properties. Aids in reducing cholesterol, regulating blood pressure, and managing diabetes.
Pepinos Information and Facts - Specialty Produce
Pepinos, botanically classified as Solanum muricatum, are an ancient South American species belonging to the Solanaceae or nightshade family.
Pepino - Enjoy Pepino melon taste in different ways.
Dec 2, 2024 · The pepino fruit has a unique, mildly sweet flavor that can be described as a cross between cucumber and melon (especially cantaloupe or honeydew). Its taste is refreshing, light, and somewhat floral, with a slight hint of pear in its sweetness.
12 beneficios del pepino, propiedades y para qué sirve - Tua Saúde
El pepino aporta diversos beneficios para la salud pues contiene propiedades que favorecen la pérdida de peso, ayudan al organismo a mantenerse hidratado y mejoran el funcionamiento intestinal, pues una verdura baja en calorías y rica en agua, minerales, fibras y antioxidantes.
Properties and Benefits of Pepino - NatureWord
Dec 19, 2021 · Related to potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and chili peppers, pepino (Solanum muricatum) is a sweet, melon-like fruit and a great source of essential nutrients, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Pepino is a fruit in the potato family, also known as Solanaceae.
Pepino: características, historia, usos, beneficios y más…
¡Conoce todo sobre el pepino! Sus características, cultivo, beneficios para la salud y muchos otros datos interesantes que tiene este fruto.
Pepino melon Nutrition facts and Health benefits - Nutrition And You.com
Pepino melon is a tomato (Solanaceae) family berry fruit. It is one of the very low calorie (22 cal/100 g) fruits; nonetheless is a rich source of antioxidants such as β-carotene, vitamin C, health-benefiting phytonutrients, dietary fiber, and minerals.
Pepino Melon: Description, Flavor, Benefits, And Uses
Jun 30, 2023 · Pepino melon is a unique and delicious fruit that can be used in a variety of recipes. It has a sweet, mild flavor and a crisp texture that makes it great for adding to salads, smoothies, or as an interesting topping on desserts.
Pepino: a year-round rockmelon - ABC Organic Gardener Magazine
Jul 6, 2021 · Pepinos are one of the easiest and least fussy plants you can grow. They flourish in our poor sandy soil, and produce well even in a mostly shaded part of our garden. In shade, they are drought-tolerant and we watered ours only a few times all summer. For this reason, they are valuable as lower canopy plants in a food forest.
Pepino | Características, cultivo, propiedades, beneficios, usos | Fruto
Apr 11, 2017 · El pepino es un fruto comestible pero que cuenta con importantes aplicaciones en cosmetología y medicina. Esta planta es originaria de la India y sus propiedades y consumo se remontan a 3.000 años atrás. Es una planta del tipo herbácea y anual.
Home - Pepino Plants
Pepino plant, also known as “melon pear,” is a small, herbaceous shrub that produces egg-shaped fruit with purple and yellow stripes. The fruit has a mild, sweet flavor similar to a mix of cantaloupe and honeydew melon. Pepino plants are easy …
12 increíbles beneficios del pepino para la salud - TuInfoSalud
Jan 21, 2021 · El pepino es considerado como uno de los alimentos con mayores beneficios para la piel, gracias a su alto contenido de agua puede hidratar, ayudar a aliviar quemaduras, y reducir el exceso de grasa en los poros.
Pepino - University of Kansas
The pepino gets its name from the Spanish word for “cucumber” due to some similarities of taste and texture between the two. However, this member of the nightshade family is sweet when ripe, earning it the modern moniker pepino dulce (“sweet cucumber”).
Pepino Melon – How To Grow & Harvest
May 18, 2022 · You may have heard of the lovely Pepino melon. It is an evergreen-looking shrub native to South America, now grown everywhere and very much grown in China. Originally called Pepino Dulce, coming from the Spanish translation of Pepino, which means cucumber, this melon is known as the cucumber melon.
11 Beneficios del Pepino – Para Que Sirve y Propiedades
Jul 21, 2023 · El pepino es un alimento poco calórico y muy nutritivo. Veremos a continuación los mayores beneficios del pepino y sus propiedades para la salud y la buena forma.
Pepino Melon: Definition, Health Benefits And Recipes - Healthy …
Feb 21, 2019 · We aim to explain what a pepino melon is, how to tell when it's ripe, how to prepare it, and ideas for home growth. What is Pepino melon? The pepino melon is a fruit known also as pepino dulce (sweet cucumber), melon pear, or tree melon that is part of the Solanum muricatum family of plants.
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