Best 1/72 MiG-15 - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 30, 2014 · Dragon/DML MiG-15/J-2. KP MiG-15/MiG-15UTI. Hobbyboss MiG-15/MiG-15UTI. Eduard MiG-15/MiG-15bis. As you can see, I am including the family versions as well. Please add on any new release kits to this thread when it gets released.
Which is the best 1/48 MiG-15? - ARC Discussion Forums
May 24, 2016 · Since I got my Trumpeter miG-15 I overlaid it on my Tamiya kit. Here is what I observed. The vertical stab on the Tamiya is slightly more but the wing sweep on the Tamiya is substantially less. Both the leading and trailing edges. I think I am willing to live with the fault of the Trumpeter more comfortably. I hate to admit it.
Mig Interior colors - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 2, 2009 · For the MiG-15/17/19 and MiG 21 series up through the PFM variant, it's a sort of medium gray pit and seat with a black instrument panel. Then, sometime during the -21PFM production (Fishbed F), they changed to the famous blue-green and used that for all subsequent -21 pits, as well as on to the -23/25/27.
MiG-15 cockpit color - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
May 31, 2016 · The MiG-15 cockpits were grey, as to which grey dont ask. It was manufactured in so many factories all over Russia and under license in many countries. So greys of all sorts was there. I have five different MiG-15 ejection seats and they are all of different colour!
Best 1/48 MiG-15, MiG-17 or MiG-19? - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 24, 2019 · Best MiG-15 is the Trumpeter kit (but there is an issue with the sweep angle of the vertical stab). Best MiG-17 is the Hobby Boss kit (but the radar-nosed version is less accurate) Best MiG-19 is the Trumpeter kit (because it's pretty much the only one out there. The radar-nosed version is less accurate) HTH Jon
MiG-15 air brakes - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Aug 22, 2011 · The original small one (area of around .5 m 2) used on the early MiG-15, Polish LIM-1 and the Russian made UTI MiG-15 two seaters. Then there is the increased airbrake (area somewhere around .8 m 2) used on MiG-15 bis, LIM-2 and the Polish remade SBLim two seaters (some where converted from Lim-1s and retained the small airbrakes). All of these ...
MiG 15s, a comparison in 1/72 scale - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 25, 2011 · I'm no MiG-15 specialist but I'd say that it's the one in which you find most of the shape features of the real MiG-15 - the wings are placed at the middle of the fuselage -> this isn't the case of both Airfix kits - the wing sweep is 35° -> this isn't the case of the Dragon kit
MiG-15 UTI - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 24, 2005 · UT - Учебно-тренировочный - same words UTI MiG-15, it is means aircraft have bounded ability (UTI Mig-15 had one 12.7 mm mashine gun vs three gun in MiG-15bis) UB - Учебно-боевой - Trainer with combat ability, MiG-29UB can carry IR missiles, bomb, FFAR pods, Su-27UB is most bien for pilots than Su-27 (two pilots ...
Hungarian MiG-15 Camouflage Colors - ARC Discussion Forums
Mar 11, 2014 · According to the Hungarian Aero História book on the MiG-15, from 1972 those MiG-15bis used in the recce role were painted in camouflage colours. Initially they were green & light brown over light blue, but shortly thereafter dark brown was added too.
Korean War Mig-15 Drop tanks? yes or no
Mar 29, 2006 · Ive started to work on the tamiya mig-15 and seem to recall some info about them not carrying drop tanks during the Korean war time period, specifically 1951. Is this true? Any other simple corrections I can do to the kit? I want to do a …