gui.cs - GitHub
Modern, cross-platform, terminal UIs since 2007. gui.cs has 7 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
gui-cs/Terminal.Gui: Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET
Terminal.Gui: A toolkit for building rich console apps for Windows, the Mac, and Linux/Unix.
GitHub - gui-cs/TerminalGuiDesigner: Forms Designer for …
Forms Designer for Terminal.Gui (aka gui.cs). Contribute to gui-cs/TerminalGuiDesigner development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - pulcher/gui.cs: Console-based user interface toolkit for …
This is an updated version of gui.cs that Miguel wrote for mono-curses in 2007. The original gui.cs was a UI toolkit in a single file and tied to curses. This version tries to be console-agnostic and instead of having a container/widget model, only uses Views (which can contain subviews) and changes the rendering model to rely on damage regions ...
GitHub - gui-cs/Terminal.Gui.templates: Template for dotnet new …
This is a template for creating Terminal.Gui applications using dotnet new. To add this template to those available in dotnet new you will need to install the NuGet package: V1
Terminal.Gui v2.x - Planning & Debate Thread · gui-cs ... - GitHub
Terminal.Gui v2.x is in development. This thread is for discussing and debating the design and implementation and plan. Project: https://github.com/orgs/gui-cs/projects/1 Branch: v2_develop Issues ...
GitHub - shiftwinting/gui.cs: Console-based user interface toolkit …
This is an updated version of gui.cs that I wrote for mono-curses in 2007. The original gui.cs was a UI toolkit in a single file and tied to curses.
Releases · gui-cs/Terminal.Gui - GitHub
Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET. Contribute to gui-cs/Terminal.Gui development by creating an account on GitHub.
ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI - GitHub
:computer: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. :heart: - ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI
GitHub - raylib-cs/raylib-cs: C# bindings for raylib, a simple and …
Raylib-cs targets net6.0 and uses the official 5.5 release to build the native libraries.