Jan 30, 2020 · GCCS-J Operations, GCCS-J Modernization, and JPES are the three systems that comprise GCCS-J. • GCCS-J v6.0.1.2 is intended to provide back-end services, databases, and system administration functions. Agile Client v5.2.0.2 is intended to provide visualization and presentation of GCCS-J mission applications and functionality to the user.
Global Command and Control System - Wikipedia
Global Command and Control System (GCCS) is the United States' armed forces DoD joint command and control (C2) system used to provide accurate, complete, and timely information for the operational chain of command for U.S. armed forces.
GCCS-J, with its globally integrated C2 architecture, is the primary C2-enabling technology that provides a relevant, comprehensive, timely, and accurate global COP.
Global Command and Control System – Joint (GCCS-J) is DOD’s Joint Command and Control (C2) system of record and provides the foundation for migration of service-unique C2 systems into a Joint, interoperable environment.
The Global Command and Control System - Joint Enterprise (GCCS-JE) is a modernized information technology solution that provides continuous, timely, secure, and resilient Command and Control (C2) capabilities to the warfighter in the modern environment.
DISA C2 Upgrade Dramatically Expands Target Tracking
Apr 4, 2023 · The Defense Information Systems Agency recently released version 6.1 of the Global Command and Control System-Joint. The update allows simultaneous tracking of nearly a million targets, including missiles, vehicles, vessels and individuals.
GCCS-J consists of hardware, software (both commercial of-the-shelf and government of-the-shelf), procedures, standards, and interfaces that provide an integrated, near real-time picture of the battlespace that is necessary to conduct joint and multi-national operations.
GCCS-J Reflects on 20 Years of Service
GCCS-J is a command and control (C2) system that provides vital connectivity to systems used to plan, execute, and manage military operations for both joint and multinational operations. GCCS-J replaced the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) in 1996.
GCCS-J - Logtool
GCCS-J is the principal foundation for dominant battlespace awareness, providing an integrated, near real-time picture of the battlespace necessary to conduct joint and multinational operations. It offers vital connectivity to the systems the joint warfighter uses to plan, execute, and manage military operations.
GCCS-J is a software-based system with commercial off-the-shelf and government off-the-shelf software and is highly modular, allowing the deployed configuration to be customized to fit each deployed sites’ requirements.
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