Home - Blue10
Blue10 is the ideal assistant for your financial administration. We help organizations with cloud software to automate administrative processes. Request a demo!
Home - Blue10
Blue10 automatiseert repeterende werkzaamheden, controleert de volledigheid, tijdigheid en juistheid van de administratie en geeft context aan gebruikers, bijvoorbeeld bij het goedkeuren of terugzoeken van facturen en contracten. Blue10 is de ideale assistent op …
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Invoice Management - Blue10
Blue10 is the ideal assistant for your financial administration. We help organizations with cloud software to automate administrative processes. Request a free demo!
About us - Blue10
What are your plans at Blue10? Our mission with Blue10 is to make traditional accounting a thing of the past, so you can know how your organization is doing every day. We’ve already created some smart solutions, like digitally processing purchase invoices and managing contracts and commitments online.
Contract Management - Blue10
With Blue10 you manage all contracts and associated agreements in one central place. In addition, you receive automated notifications when you have to follow up a task or when a contract is close to expiring.
Integrations - Blue10
Blue10 connects with the accounting systems below to quickly and easily process incoming documents digitally in your accounting system. Click on the accounting system you want to integrate with for more information.
Products - Blue10
Blue10 is your financial administration’s assistant. We simplify and optimize financial processes while ensuring you are always in control. We do this with two solutions: Blue10 Invoice Management and Blue10 Contract Management.
Demo - Blue10
Do you want to see the Blue10 software with your own eyes? Request a 1-on-1 or online demo and discover our software.
Pricing - Blue10
Blue10 is the ideal assistant for your financial administration. We offer Blue10 in various monthly subscriptions: Scan & recognize, SME and Enterprise.