Port Arthur, TX | Official Website
Nov 15, 2024 · Welcome to Port Arthur. City officials believe everyone thrives in a vibrant community. The various events held throughout the year aim to promote unity in the community.
About the City - Port Arthur, TX
Port Arthur has celebrated more than 100 years as a Gulf Coast city, but its timeline is only a fraction of the greater history of the region's inhabitants. The shores of Sabine Lake have been occupied more than 1,500 years; American Indians, primarily the …
Business - Port Arthur, TX
Find dining, lodging, and recreation opportunities in Port Arthur. Development Services. Economic Development Corporation. The Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation is a 4a sales tax corporation created to enhance Port Arthur’s business climate and overall economic development.
Community - Port Arthur, TX
The City of Port Arthur offers several public health services and programs to residents. Public Transportation. Find maps and fare information for the city's public transportation system. Utility Service. Apply for city utility services. Port Arthur Downtown Revitalization Plan
Inspections and Permitting - Port Arthur, TX
Do I need to register with the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration (TDLR)?
Transit Department - Port Arthur, TX
Port Arthur Transit provides both fixed-route and Para-transit services to a service area that encompasses 90% of the City of Port Arthur. PAT also offers door-to-door ADA complementary Para-transit service for persons who qualify.
Form Center • Port Arthur, TX • CivicEngage
The goal of the City of Port Arthur Fire Department is to provide a high level of quality professional services to residents and visitors. We value your feedback on both emergency and non-emergency service experiences.
Women, Infants and Children | Port Arthur, TX
Your Texas WIC Card A Texas WIC Card works just like a debit card and keeps track of the food benefits you get each month. Remember to bring your card to each WIC appointment so our staff can reload your family's food benefits.
Healthy Mothers & Babies of Jefferson County | Port Arthur, TX
Listed below is a categorized resource guide created to help those in need. Under each tab, you will find site locations and ways to contact area service providers in the Southeast Texas region.
Employment Opportunities - Port Arthur, TX
You can view a list of current openings at the City of Port Arthur and apply for them here. If you already have an application in progress, you can retrieve and edit it here. View the City of Port Arthur's Personnel Policy here.