English - Gemeente Groningen
Website of the municipality of Groningen. With products and services and all information for residents and companies.
Student registration or deregistration | Gemeente Groningen
If you are going to study in Groningen for longer than 4 months, you must register at the municipality. If you leave the Netherlands again, you must deregister.
Contact - Gemeente Groningen
Gemeente Groningen Postbus 30026 9700 RM Groningen. You will receive a response within 6 weeks.
Home | Gemeente Groningen
Website van de gemeente Groningen. Met producten en diensten en alle informatie voor bewoners en bedrijven.
Moving to or within Groningen
If you are relocating within Groningen or moving from another municipality in the Netherlands to Groningen, make sure to inform the municipality within 4 weeks before and 5 days after your …
How to sort and dispose of your waste | Gemeente Groningen
In Groningen we try to reuse as much of our waste as we can, in order to save on natural resources, costs and energy. The Municipality of Groningen collects paper, glass, textile and …
Emigration - Gemeente Groningen
Will you be abroad for more than 8 months in total during the next 12 months? Then notify the municipality of your move. This also applies if you return to your home country (deregister).
Registration non-resident (RNI) - Gemeente Groningen
Register as a non resident at the municipality of Groningen or at 18 other RNI-municipalities
Moving - Gemeente Groningen
Moving to or within Groningen. Report your move within 5 working days after you have moved.
Elections - Gemeente Groningen
Gehighlighte tekst: See how the residents of the municipality of Groningen have voted