Could a human survive swallowing by a whale or fish, like Jonah ...
Jun 27, 2010 · The biggest problem of humanity is applying reason where reason is needless. there are area whose jurisdiction is only God, i read a sad South African story of a baby born and dumped in a fused bag only to be discovered alive by city rubbish collection unit alive. what puzzles me is that inspiration to open the tied black refuse bag before throwing it in a rubbish …
Stocking 600 Gallon Greenhouse Pond With Reptiles And Large Fish
Jan 22, 2025 · A big pacu housed with a small turtle like a Reeve's might or probably would, IMHO, end in the eventual death or dismemberment of the turtle. Same with Giant Gourami; I love 'em, and the big guy I had for many years never bothered any other fish, large or small, with the exception of others of his own species.
Green terror information and tankmates For 75 gallons
Feb 5, 2018 · Neither of my terrors get along with other cichlids. And my female doesn’t like orange or yellow fish. She will kill them. (Glofish) I cant try anything else till they get moved, but even then I might leave things as they are fish wise. Their personalities can really vary on what fish they will be ok living with.
Predatory Fish for a 75 G? - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Mar 7, 2018 · I have a tank of the same size, and I've struggled finding good big fish to keep that aren't too big or too small. Here's a list - these may be slightly inaccurate and anyone is welcome to correct me: Pike Characins - 7-11 inches Snydontis Sp. Catfish - 10-12 inches Medium to Large Gouramis - 6-10 inches
Jardini with a Silver? | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jan 11, 2010 · A LFS has a small 3" (if even that) Jardini that has blue fins (gorgeous jardini) I currently have a 14" silver. My question is, If I were to pick up the Jardini and grow it to about 7-8" in a grow out 55 gallon, then put him in the 125, would my silver beat him up pretty bad? Im worried about...
Bloat - Causes - Cures - and BIG Myths | MonsterFishKeepers.com
May 9, 2007 · "In freshwater fish, Spironucleus sp. has been reported in cichlids, including angelfish, and cyprinids. Spironucleus elegans has been found causing disease in angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) in Europe (Kulda and Lom, 1964b), while Spironucleus vortens has been also reported from the intestinal lumen of angelfish bred in Florida (Poynton et al.
Could a human survive being swallowed by a whale or big fish, like ...
Apr 8, 2010 · Could a human survive being swallowed by a whale or big fish, like Jonah « Reply #2 on: 08/04/2010 20:36:11 » Define survive, as you would need to have air to breathe, otherwise your life will be measured in minutes, and being scared will increase oxygen demand considerably, reducing the time that you will be conscious to under a minute.
My “Escondido” Texas Cichlid | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Sep 13, 2024 · I had a pretty big fish die off event happen a week ago and I'm kinda thinking about starting over with another species since the ones. You think a Texas Cichlid and a Bichir would fit with two EBAs, a red spotted severum, two Burmese Upside Down Catfish and two SAEs? 150 gallon tank btw. 48x24x31, roughly.
Need help I wanted to know what flowerhorn look like before
Jan 10, 2025 · know very little about the flowerhorn, I'm curious about the history of the flowerhorn if you have a picture of what it looked like before,the original...
breeding motoro's - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Apr 12, 2005 · Addicted to Big Fish and Big Tanks! They were known to go thru extreme measures just to acquire a new rare fish. Wanting to take the hobby to the NEXT level, they broke away from the so-called "inner circle of experts" and began their own elite Empire.