Neptune Beach is installing school zone speed cameras; it’s a move officials say will protect students and improve road safety.
The latest potential expansion of automated speed cameras would be to crack down on souped-up cars inside designated vehicle ...
Neptune Beach has a problem with speeders in school zones, even though signs tell drivers how fast to drive and when to do it ...
A new bill sponsored by five state senators representing Baltimore County would add speed cameras to the area’s main highways ...
CUMBRIA Police have announced the location of their speed camera vans today, Saturday, February 1. In a post on social media, Cumbria Police wrote: "Today our Road Safety Camera vans will be operating ...
Speed cameras will soon be installed in school zones around the city of Neptune Beach. >>> STREAM ACTION NEWS JAX LIVE <<< City officials said the goals of the cameras are “to e ...
San Francisco is set to become the first city in the state to launch a new network of speed cameras. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is starting to get the word out to ...
Starting in March, speed safety cameras will begin operating at up to 33 locations across the city. The speed safety cameras ...